View Full Version : Now I'm worried about melanoma

25-02-10, 21:37
After reading some of the previous posts about skin cancer, I decided to schedule a dermatology appt just to play it safe. I've never seen anything on my body out of the ordinary, but have a family history of both skin cancer and melanoma. I am also fair skinned, blonde, blue eyes, all of which put me at an increased risk from what I've read. So I book this appt, but can't get in until March 30, and it's with a dermatology PA, so I hope she is just as thorough. I then decided to look at my moles closely, which I never really have before because I never thought I had any. There's one on my chest kind of above my heart that has been there for as long as I can remember, but looking at it closely I noticed that it's a little raised and slightly darker shade of brown at one end. Then I look at my shoulder and upper back and see some fairly light brown moles, but they are a little irregular in shape. One is pretty much in the exact same place my husband had a melanoma a few years back and I guess is also a common place for melanomas.

So, after feeling pretty calm today, I am now freaking out about skin cancer, specifically melanoma. Because I don't see anything black on my moles, is it safe to assume this is not melanoma? Should I try and make an appt with my PCP now just to look at them since I have to wait for over a month to see the dermatologist? I soooo hate this HA!!!

On a somewhat brighter note, I have made an appointment with a therapist and hope to start some CBT, but that appointment isn't until March 23, but at least it's something to look forward to. I don't know how much longer I can live like this - a new day and something new to worry about http://www.anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif

25-02-10, 22:08
Deep breaths!! We all hear about Melanoma all the time and it can be scary - I can't tell you how many "strange" spots have shown up all over my body as I get older - very scary, and I too get myself all worked up. My mother was the first in our family to get Melanoma (hoepfully the last)...I could just shoot myself for all the times I "fried" myself in the sun when I was younger. Oh, those tanning beds....I am also blonde and fair skinned - but I usually tanned nice after I burned myself a few times...so wasn't worth it.

Anyway - the good news is that most forms of melanoma are very treatable - my mom has a couple of spots removed on her face and there ya go. That was it. The other thing is that as we age our bodies changes and spots apear and reshape. most spots are going to be nothing but spots....and from what you are describing it might even be age spots (you didn't say your age - but as we hit our 30's on up these seem to appear in abundance!!) I also have little raised, very light brown spots on my hands and other areas of my body..I can't remember what the Dr. called them - but they are nothing to concern myself with.

I really don't think you need to run to the Dr...your appt at the end of the month is just fine. Try not to worry!!!

25-02-10, 22:19
Thank you! I'm 35, so I'm guessing about the same age you are. I know what a melanoma looks like as I pretty much diagnosed my husband's about 5 years ago. The doctor said he didn't think it was anything, but I knew it was something because of the way it was changing shape and color. The moles I have are just normal brown, flat, but they are not completely round. The one on my chest is a little raised on one end, but I haven't really noticed anything changing with it, but I may have just not looked very closely. I think I have heard that the dermatology office offers skin check clinics, so I think I'll give them a call and see if that's true.

26-02-10, 09:15
Hi There,
I am also 35 (36 next month!!) and I am always self diagnosing different things with the help of Dr. Google!! I was worried about my moles but went to Superdrug as they offer mole checks done through the mole clinic. I was really nervous but the nurse was really nice and assured me that I was ok. She said they air (spelling???) on the side of caution and there was nothing that worried her so I felt much better. It cost about £95 but was well worth it as I have quite a few moles. She was able to tell me which are 'genetic' moles and which are 'sun damage' moles. I am going to go next year again and they advise yearly checks. Am sureyou will be fine. At least you are being sensible and getting checked out :winks:


26-02-10, 15:25
hi i am curently going through EXACTLY the same situation! this has triggered of anxiety for me again of late to, i totally know how u feel. (see my posts)

My dad was diagnosed with a melanoma 1yr ago but 'touchwood' its all going to be ok. but... i have 2moles on my tummy i am paranpid about and a convinced its cancer and i will die,. i made the brave step to spk to my Dr whos arranged for a deramtology assessmet, alhtough he thinks the moles r OK. i am paranoid and making myself nauseas with HA related to my moles. i drive myself nuts day in day out and the stupid thing is i am a nurse!!

its nice to see someone else is experiencing what i am, its horrible.
how can we sort it i wander?? xx

26-02-10, 20:19
Hi. here are some info about anti-aging cream ingridients:

Ingredients to Avoid
* Dioxane: (a synthetic derivative of coconut). This substance is widely used in skincare products. It often contains high concentrations of 1,4-dioxane, which is readily absorbed through the skin. I know this sounds crazy, but 1,4-dioxane is considered a chemical "known to the State of California to cause cancer". To think people pay money to put this stuff on their skin unknowingly is downright scary.
* Fragrances.
* Parabens: methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl paraben.
* Alcohols: ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol.

Ingredients to Look For

* Collagen.
* Phytessence Wakame.
* Cynergy TK: This is a new exciting, cutting edge substance. Cynergy TK actually stimulates your own collagen to grow again. In fact, it is proven in clinical trials to stimulate not only the regrowth of collagen but also elastin, thereby promoting firmness and elasticity. In short, fewer wrinkles, and more youthful, healthier looking skin. It may help improve your skin's ability to retain its needed natural moisture.
Indeed, studies show a sustained 14% improvement in skin moisture retention over 18 days. Studies on Cynergy TK also show a sustained improvement in skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days.
* CoQ10: CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. A lot of skin damage and aging comes from free radicals wreaking havoc in our body's cells. CoQ10's antioxidant ability can counter these free radicals before damage occurs.

More detailed info you can see in my article (http://youngskintips.blogspot.com/)

27-02-10, 01:54
I too have been out in the sun all my life and loved it as I turned brown and tanned..Now looking back probably wasn't a good thing to do. I have a mole by my nose that has never changed been exactly the same for most of my life and then there was one that appeared about 10 years ago and has gotten bigger but is brown and trianglular and flat and has a white dot in it. Last time I went to the doctor I ask her about these and she said they were nothing. I started going back in time looking at photos and told her that it was tiny 10 years ago but now its not even the size of a pencil eraser and doesn't have any reddness around it or bleeding, or nothing .The doctor said quit worrying and go have it off if you must but I can assure you its not melanoma.. I have been out in the sun here and the sun is very close as we are a mile and one half above sea level so its gotten bigger here but its because my skin is dark and it shows up more and also the sun but she said nothing to worry about so im trying not to but I do think about it when I look in the mirror..

28-02-10, 12:42
Hi all -

I do totally understand the Mole panic. I have survived a melanoma (5 years ago, caught early due to vigilance, which meant I got it at Stage 1A, which has a pretty much 100% cure rate).

As someone who has researched the subject up the wazoo, and looked at tons of pics, there are some basics that you need to look out for and get checked:

A. Asymetry - is the mole asymetrical if you had to cut it in half -ie do the two halves match or not
B. Borders - is the border pretty regular or does it look jagged or "bleeds" into the surrounding skin (FYI - this is one of the tells of my mole - it looked like a map of Africa with tentacles)
C. Colour - is the colour regular across the mole, or is it very varied
D. Diameter (not always a good one, because I have some big old "age spots" which started cropping up in my early thirties and they are big and brown).
E. Evolution - is the mole changing? This is what got me on mine - it changed colour, and it was very obvious. Remember that cancerous moles are effectively tumours and tumours by nature change and grow. If your moles haven't changed in years they are fine.

There are so many different mole types - and most of them are completely harmless if not unsightly. What I hate is that as we age we get more of the little suckers.

Please don't panic - you are doing a precautionary thing getting yourself checked. One should have a Mole Patrol every year at least - I still go every 6 months but most people need only go once a year.

Your moles do not sound dodgy on the face of it. Sounds like you have sunspots on your back, and if the one above your heart has not changed at all I wouldn't stress at all.

And remember - its never too late to slap on the sunscreen!
