View Full Version : When do we know if it's REAL?

26-02-10, 02:52
Hi everyone.
Since suffering from terrible PA's for the first time last year, i began my journey on this site and also read many many books on the topic. I can honestly say that had it not been for these tools, i would probably have ended up in hospital! GAD has always been my thing but it was only just last year that the physical stuff kicked in and boy did it shake me up!
Reading information available and also the topics people post on here is the best medicine. Just knowing that you are not alone and these sensations are indeed self inflicted has brought me out of Panic Attacks.
However......on the radio yesterday, there was an ad addressing people to be on the look out for symptoms of Hear Attack!! Dear God did it bother me!! The symptoms they said were, pain in the back, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, chest, jaw, mouth, legs and tightness in the throat with difficulty breathing. WHAT THE??! After just starting life anew with the acceptance that these were sensations to do with panic now i am concerned that i could just have been having mini Heart Attacks!!!! How on earth are we supposed to know when it's REAL????? Now i am worrying when my foot hurts! Surely that can't be logical? Does that mean all those people seeing physios for strained muscles should actually be considering heart attack??
Can i ever get away from this rubbish and live my healthy life that i have spent all of it making sure of? We place alot of trust in ourselves but at what point do we know if it isn't panic?

Thanks for listening :)

26-02-10, 03:42
kelley hi hun i just wanted you to know that ive been woundering the same thing because i too have had these same things happen to me.i had sortness of breath and pains in back and tight throat.so thats a good question...so hopefully we all will find some answers ...thanks

26-02-10, 14:17
Hi, if you have a heart attack you will KNOW you are having a heart attack! (Or a hiatus hernia which presents the same symptoms but is nowhere near as dangerous)

The pain would be far greater than what you get from a panic attack. Panic attacks can be very nasty but they are ultimately harmless. A heart attack comes with a crushing pain that you would certainly not be able to ignore and unlike a panic attack it wouldn't just go away.

01-03-10, 01:50
Well.....my sister is a Clinical Cardiac Nurse and i have discussed this issue with her and she said that alot of people don't present with any pains at all! She said the shortness of breath and tight throat are usually the giveaway but obviously she has never experienced stuff like we have to compare??? She also said that if there is no family history, blood pressure / cholesterol issues or reason why you should expect a heart attack then it is pretty much not possible for it to happen, so i hope this is enough to calm the nerves!

01-03-10, 07:54
Hey guys,

I haven't posted on here in ages but I just wanted to reply to you.


I used to be as bad as anyone with this kind of thing, I felt like I had no idea why I was feeling all these weird things (mental and physical). but then i read two authors who helped me immensely and really helped me see that anixety can cause all kinds of tricks and weird feelings, and no matter how weird they may seem, it's all anxiety, nothing more.

These authors are Claire Weekes, as she really knew her stuff and her books have been such a support to me, and Paul David, whose book can be found at http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/the_book.html

Seriously guys, accept what they are saying about the crazy things anxiety can do. Accept this, and you wil automatically calm down, and this will be the first step to feeling 'normal' (whatever that is!) again.

Lots of love and support

Sarah x

09-03-10, 10:19
Thanks Sarah.
I appreciate your input. I too have read Claire Weekes, i'm currently reading her second book! She is totally amazing! I have been doing wonderfully ever since and to think she wrote this stuff back in the 60's! Just goes to show that some things just don't change huh? I might have a look at this Paul David......how does he compare though cause i reallt trust Claire Weekes??

Kel x

09-03-10, 12:34
Claire Weekes is amazing, she describes so well the feelings of anxiety and she does mention the heart and says that if only we could see how strong the muscle of our heart is we wouldn't worry about it being damaged or weakened by our panic attacks. If you're really concerned then maybe you should see your GP for an overall check-up if you haven't had one in a while? Just to put your mind at rest?

Remember that a panic attack is forcing adrenalin to rush into your body and that is what is making you feel these palpitations, etc it's not an underlying heart problem.

Take care,

09-03-10, 20:02
Hey Kel,

Paul David says very similar things to Claire Weekes, although he is not writing from a medical background, just from someone who has experienced it. I too got so much better after reading Claire Weekes...I was only saying to my mum today how much I would like to thank her for my recovery if she was still alive!!
