View Full Version : need someone to talk to

26-02-10, 09:07
i had a very bad panic attack yesterday hadnt had one for a while now i got one coming again this morning i feel im not breathing properly at the pit of my stomach and bad feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach and anxiety aswell feel like i cant settle i have to do things quickly how can i stop or just make it better i dont get racing heart though is that normal:scared15:

26-02-10, 09:12
you get all sorts of feelings try breathing into paper bag when you feel it comming on it will help. the more we dwell on this the worse it gets try to do something to take your mnd off it love

26-02-10, 09:17
Hi there,
Sorry to hear you have had a panic attack, try not to dwell on it too much as you could bring on another one..Can you get out this morning? Maybe a trip to the shops or coffee with a friend, anything just to take your mind off it. The anxiety is making you feel like you are not breathing properly too. Its horrible I know but it will pass..take care.

26-02-10, 09:17
Hi hun! Firstly just try and put everything else out of your head and stop rushing to get things done. Surely things can wait!! Not everyone gets racing heart and panic attacks can very in what symptoms we feel. Its good that you dont have a racing heart. I know its probably going to be easier said than done but go to the door, take in some slow deep breaths of fresh air, try and close your eyes while you do this and try and think of something pleasant. When you start to calm down (which you will) take a glass of water and have a lie down. Maybe listen to some calming music and empty your head of any stresses. Hope you are feeling better soon hun x

26-02-10, 09:25
i cant really add anything to what everyone else has said, anxiety symptoms do vary such a lot, and i know its hard to believe that this is all it is, but as others have said it will pass.., t

Big hug xx:hugs: