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View Full Version : Emetaphobia 101

megs b
06-01-06, 20:04
Hi there, I have actually posted about this in the intro section, but I thought this would be a better place....(it's a bit long winded sorry!!!)

I have suffered from emet since I can remember ( huge if irrational fear of vomitting , and others vomitting) I have kids, and I would say they are the greatest source of 'exposure therapy' ther can be!!!Kids get bugs and such all the time, so it is enevidable that they will pass some on etc, coughs, colds, conjunctiveitis, you name it, but my biggest worry is that they'll catch a stomach bug, and I will get it. I've talked to a friend who too suffers this fear, and we agreed that it might not be so hard o handle the idea of kids getting tummy bugs, if we knew we ourselves could never ever catch them, bringing me to the conclusion that it is probably mostly a fear of being sick MYSELF more than others, although seeing someone vomit ( except less with the kids ) still ruins the rest of the day for me!!!!

I would love to hear from anyone who suffers this sucky fear, ( thanks to Tammy already for the PM!!!) especially anyone who has tried exposure therapy or similar ( watching someone, or purposly being sick...though I can't imagine an emetaphobic ever being able to do this!! I couldn't!!!)

Thankyou all for your kind words so far!! much love, megs:D

Love God, Love Others-perfect love casts out all fear

06-01-06, 20:18
Hi Megs

One of our members, Mark, had CBT for his phobia of this.

His post can be found at CBT for emetophobia my experiences... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5998)

It may help anyway.


06-01-06, 20:19
Oh and there are these posts as well..

EXPOSURE THERAPY... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2712)

To Emetophobia sufferers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2253)

1st day CBT exposure for emetaphobia = scary (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4930)

A visit to the Doctors (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5503)


megs b
06-01-06, 20:48
man, reading through Marks experiance with the video!!! How amazing, firstly, that there even is such a video, secondly, that it almost sounds like child abuse... videoing a child eating itself sick...and thirdly at Marks amazing bravery!! And he seems so much better in the later posts...very inspiring indeed!!! Actually I think the worst mainstream movie you could use for cbt would be the movie "jackass" I've never seen so many idiots throwing up!! Worse than a Saturday night in town!!, Many thanks, Meg xoxxo

Love God, Love Others-perfect love casts out all fear

06-01-06, 21:10
Hi Megs (again lol)

Just something about the video... I have one too! Before I joined this site just the thought of buying such a video would send me into a panic. But sometimes you gotta panic to not panic.. if you get me!

The first few times I watched it was an absolute nightmare.. I can't even explain how bad I was. It's all about slowly building up though and now I can watch the video and am not bothered at all. I thought it was just because I knew what was going to happen and when, but it's not. I can now watch TV and if it happens I am fine, I no longer have to watch TV with the remote in my hand lol.

Of course the real thing in real life is still a different story but I'm working on it!

Tammy x

07-01-06, 12:46
Look in Successes for Marks latest posts

06-02-06, 16:14
I have had a fear of Sickness for alot of yrs now. Glad to now know its a proper phobia. Also scared of catching sickness bugs and panic and not want to go out if I know a Virus is going round.
At the mo I know a bug is going round am I'm scared to go out and if I do, I daren't go to places where there'll becalot of ppl.
Going insane cos of it and I hope my Counsellor can advise me in a few months time.
Haven't been out 2 spend my Xmas money cos I'm scared to catch something.

06-02-06, 17:34
hi, i have just joined and am shocked at how many more people have this sickness phobia. ive had it now for 8 years and am now fed up of it. i dont like my kids getting bugs as i dont want it. ive told people that too and theyy just think im selfish but i cant help it. it started when my daughter was 4 months old and she was violently sick. ive never seen so much. i really need help as it has been affecting my marriage for a while. im ashamed to say this but now my 8 yr old daughter now has this phobia. that wasnt planned but how can you calm yourself down when someone vomits. please can someone help me? thanks and good luck to everyone having treatment. marie

08-02-06, 18:11
hi marie

im sorry that i passed this horrible thing down to you.

i hope you forgive me.

ive had this for 22 years.

give the children a big kiss and cuddle from nanna.

10-02-06, 12:29

I am new pn here but I have had emetophobia all of my life. I can't really type much at the moment but my story is pretty similar to everyone else's. I haven't really slept because my husband was being sick last night and I have never been so scared in my life. I found someone who uses this site on another forum.

I am looking forward (well, as much as I can, you know what I mean!!) to looking throughall of the posts in detail, they look very helpful. I may even print some out and take tham to my therapist. I am having CBT at the moment ut I am not sure that it is as effective as it could be.

I hope to 'talk' to you all in a bit more detail soon. I hope everyone is having as panic free a day as possible.


10-02-06, 13:27
Welcome Izzy

Good idea about taking some posts to your therapist

Do feel free to post in Introductions too.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-02-06, 13:01
Hi Isobel

Welcome aboard to the forum.

As Meg suggested you could start your own post on here as well when you feel ready to.


25-02-06, 02:20
Hi Megs,

I have to say that since having CBT for emetaphobia, things haven't been half has bas as they were. For instance, I can watch my pets throw up now and clean it up without a problem. I can see sick in the street and not feel 'affected' by it for the rest of the day. I've also spent time with someone who felt sick without wanting to run away in a blind panic. It was quite tough at times but concentrating on the problem in therapy sort of made "vomit" feel so familiar that I sort of became used to it (if that makes sense). I have just accepted that NOBODY likes to vomit, it isn't something we associate with being "nice" just as cutting yourself or having a cold isn't. It happens at certain points in our lives for one reason or another but the best way to think about it is that it's a positive reaction from your body in removing something that is probably going to make you feel a lot worse. One thing I learnt throughout this is that the fear and debilitating anxiety is by FAR worse than actually vomitting itself.

Hope this helps,


12-03-06, 19:08
Hello All I also suffer from emetophobia and have done for about 9 years now coming on about 10..

I finde that this irrational fear has controll over my already suffering life which isnt something I tend to take for granted since what I go through and read and appreciate what others go through.

I have compiled alot of information about it in the time I have been online and speaking to people about it.

Il see what I can do with posting up some of the information on it,but its really good to know im not the only one around here with it :)

Thankx Neon x

23-03-06, 00:59
hey guys. im 14.. and i have suffered from emet since i was in the 2nd grade.
i have always hated being around sick people .. and myself, i can not stand getting the stomach flu.
it all started when i witnessed my mom throw up bcuz she had too much alcohol.
i am absolutely terrified of her drinking it now.. and i feel i will never be able to go clubbing and such when i am older.. bcuz of the fear of becoming intoxicated from alcohol.. or watching anybody else throw up bcuz of them being drunk.
im so sick of being totally PETRIFIED of this.
ive been seeing a psychologist.. not for very long, now.. ive seen her about three times.
it seems that she is just helping me not to worry, but more than anything, i just want to be able to not be scared of it.
im so young, and i cry a lot.. bcuz no one i know understands what i go through every day of my life.
its so hard, cuz all my friends are so okay with throwing up.
im so jealous.. it ruins my life.. i have trouble going out.. and spending the night at my friends..
non conceitedly, but im popular at school.. and i have a boyfriend and such.. and at school, and around him and my friends, life is so great and carefree.. but no one knows what i am really like.
i would trade my phobia in any day.. but it kills me knowing i cant..
i hope i really do get over this...
if anybody older than me who has suffered with this phobia has any advice for me.. id really appreciate it.
my parents think i help, but they dont know what its like, so they cnat really help me.

thanks, id appreciate it..
- sinead.

sometimes i freak when i feel sick ;
but i never actually throw up
when i do, its the worst feeling ever
i hate not having control over it
its the worst
im so ready to get over this.

23-03-06, 09:29
Wow, so I'm not the only one!

OH! Hi folks, yeh, emet really really sux if it controls your life. Being a teenager, it really sux. I'm not givin out personal info so don't try to ask me. Anyway, i really appreciate your comments as i'm sure many others do too! It's great that there are others out there.

If you suffer a major panic attack due to emet, here's what to do

1. Think realistically - have a set of thoughts that you wrote down when in a calm state about the reality of being sick and how 'it wont kill you' and that sort of thing. It helps.

2. Deep breathing - this virtually forces your body to relax whether it wants to or not. try breathing in for 3 seconds, holding for 1 second, breathing out for 3 seconds, holding for 1 second and so on. Even just 3 or 4 of these can calm you significantly. Try it right now and see how much you relax! (the best part is, no-one knows ur doin it!)

3. Time out - is very important, try to relax in a private, quiet place.

And remember, when you're not really gripped by symptoms, enjoy life to the max!

(I know everything i say is bossy, i can't help it!)

12-05-06, 16:21
Hi Megs! I am new to the forum and I have to say that I was relieved to read your message. I hope you are getting this reply. I am from the USA. I am 33 yrs old and have suffered from fear of vomiting/stomach bugs/food poisoning since I was 7 yrs old.

I definitely have more of a fear of myself throwing up as opposed to others however it isnt very pleasant to be around someone throwing up.......especially if they are contagious. My panic attacks are the most terrifying thing that I have ever experienced. Id rather go to the dentist without novicane.

Emetaphobia has brought on an eating disorder as well as hypocondria. An empty stomach is a safe stomach.......is my motto. My best friend has the same exact thing. It has made our lives very sad and depressing. I would love to have kids one day, but I fear that I would lose the child, because of my poor eating habits, and not to mention morning sickness, and as you mentioned catching the bug from your kids. I would love my children to death, but if they caught the stomach virus or flu I would have to have my Mom take care of them. That is terrible for me to say, but I wouldnt even want to take the chance.

I Never want to experience vomiting again in my life. I think when a person vomits that is SATAN trying to take their soul. Vomiting is evil. I have never had an alchoholic drink nor have I ever done drugs. My panic attacks are the most embarrasing/inconveniences. When I feel sick in my stomach I go into a code red. I have to walk, and end up knocking on peoples doors so that they will talk to me to get my mind off getting sick. I feel insane sometimes. Thanks for listening. If you have any advice write to me at my email address: Rainsong4573@yahoo.com. GOD Bless and Thank You.


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there, I have actually posted about this in the intro section, but I thought this would be a better place....(it's a bit long winded sorry!!!)

I have suffered from emet since I can remember ( huge if irrational fear of vomitting , and others vomitting) I have kids, and I would say they are the greatest source of 'exposure therapy' ther can be!!!Kids get bugs and such all the time, so it is enevidable that they will pass some on etc, coughs, colds, conjunctiveitis, you name it, but my biggest worry is that they'll catch a stomach bug, and I will get it. I've talked to a friend who too suffers this fear, and we agreed that it might not be so hard o handle the idea of kids getting tummy bugs, if we knew we ourselves could never ever catch them, bringing me to the conclusion that it is probably mostly a fear of being sick MYSELF more than others, although seeing someone vomit ( except less with the kids ) still ruins the rest of the day for me!!!!

I would love to hear from anyone who suffers this sucky fear, ( thanks to Tammy already for the PM!!!) especially anyone who has tried exposure therapy or similar ( watching someone, or purposly being sick...though I can't imagine an emetaphobic ever being able to do this!! I couldn't!!!)

Thankyou all for your kind words so far!! much love, megs:D

Love God, Love Others-perfect love casts out all fear

<div align="right">Originally posted by megs b - 06 January 2006 : 20:04:20</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

13-05-06, 18:22
When I was younger I had a very conscious fear of being sick. I seen an episode of Seinfeld where he was discussing how long it had been since he last vomited. I found it amusing, because I think anyone who truly hates, or truly fears being sick, has that thought at the back of their mind.

Reality is, you've all been sick before, and sooner or later you will be sick again. I hope you don't think bad of me for saying that, but its true. I went years without being sick, until one crazy night I was so drunk that it was inevitable, and I spent an hour over the bowl of the bog hurling for Britain. After that, it didn't seem to bother me.

Now, if I have too much to drink and feel a bit iffy in the guts, I'll go to the toilet and stick my fingers down my throat ... because I know I'll FEEL BETTER because of it. Vomiting is simply the process from which your stomach needs to get rid of something it considers dodgy, its completely natural for humans. I know its absolutely horrible, and I truly do understand and feel for you guys, but you know whats worse than being sick? Feeling sick! Like most things we get anxious about, the anticipation thereof, is worse than the actual event.

I have also experienced food poisoning (from McDonalds chicken!!!), and believe me, the being sick will be one of the last things you'll be worrying about.

Vomiting is not evil, its a very very normal Human thing. Nor has it anything to do with Satan, he gets credit for far too much. (I'm the author of a book about Angelic studies, after my life was saved by one very literally, so dramatic its effect on my life that I dedicate my existance to the subject). If you truly believe such things, no wonder the fear is controlling your life. I have seen true evil in this world and vomitting becomes completely insignificant in comparison.

Its not a disease, or by itself serious - it is only a symptom.