View Full Version : A newbie here

26-02-10, 10:35
Hi have been poorly now for over 22 years with Drs not finding out what is wrong with me. Main symptoms are dizzyness which after loads of test scans etc they diagnosed with Migraine for which they gave me propranalol slow release 80mg these seemed to work for about 4 years but had to stop them when I was pregnant with my second daughter. by the way my dizzy heads improved when I was pregnant. But after she was born heads came back and so was put back on propranalol but not working so have now been refered to ENT Dr as suspect a form of vertigo. However after doing a bit of research with my other symptoms I suggested to DR that i think I may have panic disorder she agreed and gave me low dose 10mg daily of citalopram. First week awful spaced out & sickly second week just a bit off food, 3 week feeling alot better even went out for 2 meals without feeling the need to get up & run. Now however into week 4 and feeling light headed again and not right. Do these tablets get into your system and then stop working? Still waiting for ENT appt, I panic that I may have a dizzy doo when I am out so life seems a viscious circle at the moment. x

26-02-10, 10:43
Hi Ellen23

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
26-02-10, 10:56
Hi Ellen, welcome to NMP, you will find it helpful and supportive here :welcome: Paige x

26-02-10, 11:15
Hi Ellen, I am also a newbie here, sorry to hear you have been suffering so long - makes my 10 years seem a walk in the park! I can relate so much to your comment about "wanting to run" during meals out, I have been there so many times. I am also into my second week on AD's (Amitriptyline) and not sure if they are making me better or worse.

27-02-10, 13:27
Hi Ellen23

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: