View Full Version : The reasons why citalopram works.

26-02-10, 10:39
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26-02-10, 12:40
Thanks for posting this mate, I like it and I agree with it. I'd like to use some of this in my latest update to my citalopram survival guide if that's all right?

26-02-10, 13:06
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26-02-10, 13:19
Hi Chris

Very interesting post. Although I choose not to take medication myself I am impressed by your experience while on this drug.

Do you still take it or if not, have long has it been since you stopped?

26-02-10, 13:30
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26-02-10, 13:37
Very glad to hear that you know exactly where you're going and have managed to plan your own recovery.

It seems like positive thinking is the cure for all ills which is great if you can manage it.

I wish you well for your continued recovery :)

26-02-10, 14:09
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26-02-10, 20:17
Hi Chris,
THANK YOU for this post. I'm approx 3 months and although not as bad as before feel a little down, and have been wondering if its because id got used to the tablets. I think after reading your post ill go back and maybe try a small increase. I started on 20mg upped after 8 weeks to 40mg, maybe its time to see if i need 60mg.
Anyway very interesting and hopeful post
all the best

27-02-10, 00:15
Hi Chris, thanks for your very interesting post, very helpful. I started on 20mg of Citalopram just over 3 months ago, and the last couple of weeks felt the anxiety just creeping back in. Last Friday had the dose increased by dr to 40mg as he said this is the most effective dose for anxiety. Had not such a good afternoon and evening today, but by reading your post it has made me feel a bit more hopeful. How soon did you start to feel an improvement when increasing your dosage, was just wondering if it takes as long from when i started on the 20mg, which was about 6 weeks before I really could say that I had improved. Does it take that long again when increasing the dosage? If you could just let me know from your experience I would be most grateful.

So glad to read that you have improved so much, I took look forward to that day :-)

Jannie x x

27-02-10, 15:19
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27-02-10, 15:22
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27-02-10, 15:36
Thanks for the reply. I did start to feel somewhat better after about 3 weeks then after 6 weeks I was feeling that much better again up until the 3 month point, which is when my dr increased my dosage to 40mg because I was still having the odd bad day. He said that 40mg is the best dosage for anxiety. He also said that I could stay on them for as long as necessary and that people had been on them years. I'm thinking of starting some CBT and see if that gets my mind round the problems that are causing this anxiety, as I do not have a clue why I am like this. I am a very outgoing and happy person but this anxiety has been a total pain for me!

Thanks for your posts, they are very helpful and its nice to know that this is something that we can all hopefully concur in time. I do read the Dr Claire Weekes books, which are good, but it is just putting it into practice :-)


Jannie x x

28-02-10, 12:42
Is the same situation with Sertraline as that's what I've been prescribed but was unsure whether or not to go on?

If it's going to help get rid of my awful thoughts and lack of control in my head then game on I'll start them tomorrow!