View Full Version : diazepam and fluoxetine together

26-02-10, 14:56
Hi, been to docs today, and because still waiting for cpn to visit me, doc has now prescribed 20mg fluoxetine as well as my 15mg diazepam a day and 80mg propranolol. I am sure it is safe, as doc prescribed it, but I read the leaflet on fluxetine and it mentioned caution with diazepam, of course now in panic (again) what to do. He wants me to take the fluoxetine for 3 days then wean myself off the diazepam as I have been taking 5mg three times a day for nearly 3 weeks. Has anyone ever been on diazepam and fluoxetine together? I am just getting all worked up about it and panicky again. Just another day at the docs, really getting down about it now.

Thanks all,

regards flossy xx:ohmy:

26-02-10, 14:57
Hi Flossy69

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-02-10, 15:32
Hi Flossy, Dont worry what you read in the leaflet it is just a precautionary measure. Fluoxetine (as with most ad's) can cause drowsiness in some patients, so combined with the diazepam could make the drowsiness worse, that why it will state that. Everyone is different and you may not experience that but it has to state it just in case. I have taken both together in the past and was absolutely fine. Fluoxetine, diazepam and proprananol are often prescribed together. Please dont panic you will be fine. Your GP probably want to try and taper down the diazepam as they can become addictive whereas the fluoxetine, when in your body (takes around 2 weeks) will do the job without the addiction. Good luck. Jo.

26-02-10, 16:05
Fluoxetine can sometimes interact with some drugs and increase their side effects - but it's nothing to worry about as you're tapering the diazepam anyway. Just watch out for increased tiredness and dizziness.

Sure you'll be OK though.

26-02-10, 17:14
Hi, thanks for that, just get myself in such a state, hate being on all these pills. I know its my road to recovery, but just so tired of it all. Thanks for all your help though and encouragement.

Regards flossy:):)