View Full Version : Anxiety and eating rubbish

26-02-10, 15:58
Recently I've noticed that whenever I get stressed or angry about something I crave junk food... Mr Lac aint pleased :lac:

I wonder whether eating rubbish food (including sweet things) is another side effect of anxiety...?

26-02-10, 16:27
hi iv never heard of it so i don't think it is maybe u should read other peoples stories see if there's anything there

26-02-10, 16:45
i think it can become a vicious cycle

i think we crave the sweets etc for fast fuel source or possibly even as punishment? subliminaly? then feel awful and just lie around feeling bad

the problem with that tho is junk food makes u feel worse.

i also believe if we start to exercise and eat healthier then this helps reduce anxiety...

just my theory.......

apoligies this has been badly written-3am and in the dark lol

26-02-10, 16:49
Drugs can cause sugar cravings and a craving for carbohydrates ..When you are stressed its common to comfort eat ,Perhaps this is the reason ? :whistles::shrug:Its a sure way to pile on the pounds and will make you feel like crap if you continue to do it .:lac: Suex

26-02-10, 17:47
I was actually going to add meds because since I've increased the sertraline I have noticed the craving more. But the thing is that it's much more intense when I feel stressed. It could be a comfort thing yet I've never been a comfort eater... Luckily I don't give in very easily but it's getting to the point where I'm going to have to ban Doner from the house - especially after reading this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/jan/27/doner-kebabs-fat-salt-pork

Anyway, thanks for the input guys...

26-02-10, 18:31
I suppose it could be the meds, but I know that I comfort eat when anxious. I always feel bad afterwards and resign never to do it again! But then I do! It's a vicious circle. The thing is that I always feel more confident in myself if I eat well and exercise - so why do I do it!!! You've just mentioned Doner and I haven't had one for ages - you have put me in the mood for one and I bet I get one tonight!! I've no willpower:lac:

26-02-10, 18:48
Urgh, isn't doner the crap meat thats left over when all then good stuff is taken, n mashed together into 1 giant looking turd...has that put u all off it...hope so. Like Myra I always feel more confident in myself if I eat well and exercise. Thats something thats helping me to feel better at the moment. I eat crap and binge when I'm down or angry or stressed. There must be some science in it coz after an argument I don't think "right, now I'm going to stuff myself with Granny Smith's (thats apples for all the martians out there!" Only joking!

26-02-10, 19:47
Apparently sugar is one of the things which can boost seratonin for a little while - so it's like a quick fix to feeling better. I think that could be why I used to want to eat rubbish food when I was at my worst. However I've learnt that there are other ways to boost the feel good chemicals, such as exercising! - and it really does work!


28-02-10, 18:40
Oh Yes!, chocolate, cheese, biscuits and breakfast cereal binges at all hours for me! To the point where I would kill for that snack!

I blame the Seroquel myself. But I'm sure it's also to do with feeling generally rubbish. At least I'm skinny!

01-03-10, 11:55
I always eat crap when I am anxious, when I am down, when I am rewarding myself... I am a real comfort eater! Hence I have put on 2 stone in the past few years and now lost a lot of confidence!

03-03-10, 15:34
Yes, I think meds have a lot to answer for... I now think it's definitely the increased dose of sertraline. At first my appetite was suppressed for a few weeks, then suddenly I got the urge to eat crap whenever I felt bored, agitated or anxious. Unfortunately it hasn't abated... :lac:

I wonder whether Myra ate that doner kebab in the end...

03-03-10, 15:48
Hi Melancholia - I didn't, I think I went out for dinner that night - but you've put me in the notion again!! A doner kebab with sauce and salad - yum!! Maybe tonight!

03-03-10, 19:50
Oh no Myra - resist that urge! :roflmao:

Now we know why adverts work so well...

Perhaps I'll allow myself just the one tonight... Nice juicy Donna - er I mean doner... :lac:

I wonder whether anyone knows of any natural appetite suppressants - apart from diet and exercise that is ... :roflmao:

03-03-10, 20:06
I could (do) eat all day long even when im not hungry i guess its called comfort eating x

03-03-10, 20:35
Oh no Myra - resist that urge! :roflmao:

Now we know why adverts work so well...

Perhaps I'll allow myself just the one tonight... Nice juicy Donna - er I mean doner... :lac:

I wonder whether anyone knows of any natural appetite suppressants - apart from diet and exercise that is ... :roflmao:

:roflmao:Noooo dont do it Melancholia ....you ll only wake up regretting it :winks:.....You can buy Natural appetite supressants in the health food shops .There is one that is made out of seaweed extract ...It does sound gross but if it works what the heck ???:shrug: My cit has made me put on weight ..and ive not been eating anymore than I normally do ..Diet for me now :weep:...need to lose it b4 my holiday ...Sue x

ally b
03-03-10, 21:07
If only i realised this at the time,then maybe i wouldnt be where i am rite know.Awful craving for junk,5 milky bars in a hour,craved them every day,Anx for sure!!!!!!!!

03-03-10, 21:19
I've resisted the kebab again!! Seriously though, I've always found it strange how some people turn to food when anxious and others can't seem to stomach eating? I don't think there's ever been a time in my life when I haven't felt like eating. I can eat even when I'm not hungry just for the sake of it. Now I'm in my 50's I don't eat as much as I used to but you can bet your bottom dollar that when I'm anxious you'll find me munching a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar and then I feel guilty afterwards! It's hard to change the habits of a lifetime. Melancholia this may just be a blip and you'll probably lose any weight you put on again.