View Full Version : A little Help to be sure....

Caz 47
26-02-10, 22:12
Hi folks after many weeks of depression and anxiety problems and having help from this forum i surfed the net once again for other websites that could help and found (No panic) which isnt far from my corner of the world shropshire ..
most fascinating site and so helpful so much information and helpful leaflets i have to say just reading it made me feel calmer than i have for months so ive joined up and ive sent for some books ect and you can also do a telephone conference call with other like minded folks so take a look if you havent already there is alot of interesting stuff on there and it may just be what you are looking for .. Carole ...

26-02-10, 22:16
Hi Carole

I am a No Panic member and promote them on here too.

I have done the telephone recovery course twice now as well.

They are also on the "finding help" website page on the left here.

NMP has a stand at their conference each year in Telford

26-02-10, 22:17
Also - have you read these pages on here...


Loads of articles written by No Panic

Caz 47
26-02-10, 23:41
Hi Nicola it does say on no panic that a lady from there site was on ~No more panic i take it it is you bless just a question as im considering doing the telephone conference im a little scared by it did it help you ? is it as scary as it sounds i dont mind talking on the phone i quite enjoy it but i gather its a few folks discussing various problems just wondered how it all works ...

Thanks for a great site it is so wonderful to be reading posts from like minded people who understand i have found it a life saver coming on here and just being able to read and share ... you do a good job and it is much appreciated


26-02-10, 23:54
It is a 12 week course I believe - once a week for an hour.

You are with up to 6 other people and No Panic provide a trained leader to run it all.

The first one I did was fab and helped me so much. The 2nd one I did I felt I knew more that the leader and she did not lead the group very well so it is hit and miss who you get lol.

Try it - you have nothing to lose and it is very good