View Full Version : hospital worries for my baby!!!!!

26-02-10, 22:25
hi all, am fairly new to the forum, but have posted before!!!!!
a little background.....
im a complete worrier, and i completley obsess about my thoughts.......

anyway after last posting i have had a good couple of days!!!!!
however, my little boy has a hernia, he is2!!!! and i just found out his op is next sunday!!!!
i feel really frightened!!!! firstly, i hate hospitals, and am a complete medical phobic......
but whats worrying me is the general ansthetic.... its like i dont think i can be there wen they put him under... because i will get soooo upset and scared, but if im not there for him i will feel like a bad mummy!!!! and will feel so guilty, but just dont know if im brave enough!!!! i love my little boy so much, he is so beautiful and perfect i just dont know what to do!!!! any thoughts would be really helpfull guys, much love x

26-02-10, 22:47
Hi. Understand you completely. My daughter had gas for a minor procedure at the dentist hospital and I was that busy comforting her that I didn't cry til the door was shut behind me after I left the room! Its perfectly natural to worry like this. What amazed me was how quick they administered the sedation. It was like they were in a rush but I was told by the nurse after that they sedate quickly before child n Mum do a runner! Try not to worry matey. You will both be fine. :hugs:Let us know how you get on won't you?

27-02-10, 10:37
thanks very much for the advice hun!!!!! after a good nights sleep im feeling much better about it all. xxxx

27-02-10, 10:44
My son had the same op many years ago and I couldn't believe how quick the actual procedure took! I went in with him to the op theatre, he got an injection in his hand which took effect immediately! I was a wee bit tearful when I left him but before I knew it he was back, wide awake and rearing to go!! Sometimes the lead up to things are worse than the actual event. I'm sure he'll just sail through it:yesyes:
Myra x

28-02-10, 22:10
thanks myra!!!!! just keep reminding myself that this time next week it will all be over xxx

28-02-10, 22:21
My daughter was two when she had her hernia op.....nearly 13 years ago!! She has just has three teeth out this week and I still worried! Her words after her teeth, 'was is that it'! (I think it hurts us more than the children!)
You will never stop worrying, our babies are so very precious. As Myra said, they are up and at it very quickly afterwards.
Good luck for next Sunday, thinking of both of you!! x