View Full Version : How do we control our ha

27-02-10, 00:22
I would say i've suffered with HA for a long time but only recently accepted that this is my real problem. We all suffer in different ways and we all manage to get through things differently.
As someone fairly new to the site and new to accepting i have a HA problem, how do you all cope with things
What advice could you give me to help releive all the problems like, palpations, panic attacks, flushing, fears and woes
I will try most things as I really would like to come off medication if I can.

All suggestions welcome xx

27-02-10, 00:34
im no expert yet but we can try to help ourselves by stopping excessive reassurance, checking your heart (perhaps in your case) - my case is checking neck for thyroid cancer lumps..lol!

excercising to reduce stress and generally facing anything we are avoiding.

essentially we have to face the fear head on

hope that helps a bit

27-02-10, 04:53
I can't face the fears- that's my biggest problem. I also put Health Anxiety in a different category than other anxieties...it's a fault of mine- I know this- at the end of the day it's all anxiety, right?

I have the hardest time making the thoughts stop. Once I see or feel something I automatically think the worst then from there it just spirals out of control. I have been told it's not our first thought that's bad as everyone has an initial thought- but they just brush it off...it's our second, third, and fourth thoughts that fuel our anxiety.

I am struggling with accepting this is just anxiety- because when I have a symptom it's so real and super scary!

Sorry I am no help either- I haven't figured this thing out at all xx

27-02-10, 08:04
Ditto tnt808. If only we could stop the thoughts when they first come into our head. I hate it that we go from a silly pain to 'oh I'm dying'. Had a night out with my work colleagues last night and it was completely spoilt for me because I had a pain in my head, which I have had for about the last 6 years anyway!! Went from that to my legs shaking like a leaf under the table!! My colleagues are brilliant with me, and they totally get me but I just wish it would go away, I'm sick of it ruining times like that. I'm on meds and just had an increase of dosage so maybe it will be a couple of weeks for the new dosage to take effect. I'm reading Dr Claire Weekes books and I do find them very helpful.

Dollie, if I'm honest I have suffered with this for years but it really got a grip of me late last year. I'm new to the site and I find it really helpful. My anxiety used to centre around my sons but now it is totally a health anxiety. I am a very confident person and have a job that I love with wonderful colleagues who totally understand so I miss being relaxed all the time and enjoying my life. I'm gradually getting better but it only takes one little thing to trigger it off into panic!! I'm also fairly new to the meds, never taken anything else for this, but I do find it helps and one day I too hope I can come off but at the moment can't even think of that. Maybe try reading Dr Claire Weeks books, they are very helpful.

All the best to you

Jannie x x

27-02-10, 11:01
i'm on my third week of anti-depressant, and i believe it's working. my panic attacks are becoming fewer now. slowly, i think i going back to my usual rational self. although attacks hasn't stopped yet, i can now recognize it when they start and do something about it. i'm not devoutly religious, but i find praying helps a lot -- it calms my mind and regulates my breathing. support from friends and family is also important. without them during my attacks, i probably would have gone worse and wouldn't have the courage to seek professional help.

i used to be sedentary but i exercise regularly now, not only during attacks. later, i found out that having a higher metabolic rate helps in ridding my system of those extra adrenaline. and the rush of endomorphines after a good workout helps me relax.

during an attack, a friend would say,"it's all in your mind." heck, i know that but why can't i fight it. why is it so real to me? and that makes it very very scary. my mind was sick (maybe it still is) and it needed a doctor. so i saw one ...

like everyone, i'd like to come off the medications someday. for now, what keeps me going is my doctors assurance that everytime i take a dose, i will get better. i have to believe that. i need to believe that. the sooner i get better, the sooner my doctor will wean me off the drug. that is my light at the end of my long dark tunnel.

27-02-10, 17:00
My own thoughts about stopping HA is to keep the mind so focused on other things HA does not get a look in. Easier said than done I know.