View Full Version : health anxiety diary

27-02-10, 01:05
Day 1

today i woke up tense as usual. I have had this feeling everyday to some degree for the past 5 years since the onset of dreaded health anxiety. Man I wish I could go back to the days of simple OCD!

Last night was a nightmare.... In the low level light of the small bedroom of my house I thought I saw a lump on my neck in the mirror!
I tried desparately to resist the urge to check but I couldnt... what if this time I am going to miss something serious plus you were exposed to radiation in the lab remember (my mind says). My mind then races with fear.

before I have time to catch the thoughts in my mind both of my hands are wrapped around my neck checking and rechecking. I tilt my head backwards to get a better look........yeah that looks like a slight lump. Its higher on the left than the right. Its cancer!

My mind races as I think back to what the psychiatrist reminded me today 'your solutions have become part of the problem'.

Oh yeah I thought but I forgot to tell the doctor about the discomfort in my neck and she never felt it so how do I know im just seeing lumps because I keep checking! how the hell do I know if I should see a doctor or not. My next appointment with the specialist is in June- it may be too late then!

Bloody hell get a grip I tell myself I can not go on like this im 25 years old now and been held back for years. Through anxiety I have missed out on so many opportunities its unreal. Ive turned down opportunities to go out to awsome parties, holidays even potential girlfriends.

Well hopefully tomorrow I can try and put in place some measures to beat this c**p because if I dont there will be 3 things certain in my life death, taxes and wasted time due to health anxiety!

27-02-10, 15:10
Day 2

Damn I messed up again last night I noticed a 'lump' on my neck in the mirror I began to prod away at it- gosh that really does look like some kind of lump I thought I can even feel it! But perhaps I have become hyperaware of my body and that is the problem - If i keep up like this I going to end up in the mad house!

I tell my mum about how I feel. She agrees your going to drive yourself crazy. Now I regret ever checking my neck. At first I was scared of developing cancer now i fear I actually have it.

After a good nights sleep I awake to an attitude of determination to get myself back on track. I WILL beat health anxiety and I Will be cured by the time i am 26. Watch out health anxiety I am coming for you!

28-02-10, 15:02
Day 3

I think I maybe on the road to recovery........last night I decided to check for lumps ........I know its bad , I know I should resist but I did it anyway. What I found was yes my neck does have lumps and bumps but I did not suffer excess anxiety and lumps and bumps does not mean cancer for some reason I felt much more normal when checking.........this can only be a good sign!

wish me luck because im telling you i will and all of you can beat this health anxiety!

18-03-10, 15:28
New entry

Today i was like screw your health anxiety im going to get my life back I have had enough of not living. Hopefully this change in attitude is what is going to save me from my demons!!

wish me luck

18-03-10, 19:05
ok im having a holiday from the site (NMP) as of today so that the 4 months wait until my endocrine appointment does not seem like years then i will report back after June 21st to let you all know if i have overcome health anxiety..........hey lets be positive here ...........i will report back to let you know how i have beaten, cured and destroyed health anxiety........c u all in the future!........lol