View Full Version : Can Antibotics cause you to feel weird?

27-02-10, 01:45
Since I have been taking antibotics. I have been feeling really weird.. Of course I know that they give you gas and a knawing in your stomach like you are constantly hungry . Also my wife said they make you feel weak and tired and whoosey but the one im taking right now is a general spectrum antibotic
I have used it many times and the last time I took it I had to stop because of the gas but this time I have an bad tooth ..Im starting to feel like I did before when I took it and had to quit but wondering if they can make you feel like you are leaning side to side .

My wife seems to think so.. I hate this feeling and am worried ..One its a TIA mini stroke. Two a tumor.. three , blocked neck artery , four my heart .. Could antibotics really make you feel like she said?

27-02-10, 13:56
I know for me the last time I took an antibiiotic I was met with some unusual symptoms, too. It really did a number on me and it is one I had taken before with no problems. I had the abdominal discomfort (feeling of bloating and gas -- for quite awhile even after I stopped it), but I did feel weird in my head. I can't explain it. I don't think light headed was really the term to use. I was even more irritable. It was overall strange and I didn't take my final dose (only had to take it a few days -- not the usual 10). It didn't make me too anxious to be on it again, that's for certain! I would be interested, too, to know if anyone else experienced such strange symptoms on it.