View Full Version : Does anyone keep their HA a secret?

27-02-10, 09:07
A lot of people posting on here seem to be open about their HA, comments such as 'my family/friends know what I'm like" are quite common. Am I alone in keeping it secret? My family does not know that I'm like this, and I try to avoid doctors for as long as possible in case the worst is 'confirmed'.
I have an appointment next week about my anxiety for the first time, and I'm not sure how to discuss it. Also, the anxiety tends to turn to depression after a while. The constant battle between my rational and irrational brain is very wearing. Can anyone relate to this? I also think if I was to discuss the extent of my HA with my family or OH they would think I was mad. Can anyone else relate to any of this?

27-02-10, 09:12
I have taken 10mg of Citalopram for 4 days,having come off it gradually at Christmas,however went to 20mg for two days now on 30mg,experiencing quite severe twitches in shoulders, as if I am full of tension, also feeling sick ,burning in stomach and loss of appetite, wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms. Any replies appreciated.

27-02-10, 09:14
I have taken 10mg of Citalopram for 4 days,having come off it gradually at Christmas,however went to 20mg for two days now on 30mg,experiencing quite severe twitches in shoulders, as if I am full of tension, also feeling sick ,burning in stomach and loss of appetite, wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms. Any replies appreciated.

27-02-10, 09:48
Hi Deb
For me? Best form of defense was attack.

I sometimes get fairly paranoid about what people think, so I took the decision to be open about my anxiety in general, that way if I could accept it and not keep it a secret, then no one could ever use it against me because I was not hiding it, so you knowing about it does not bother me (if that makes sense).

don't get me wrong, I didn't take an advert out in the Sun ;) but I am pretty open about it and many people in my life know I am either an anxiety sufferer, or just plain radio rental :).

Interesting enough though, I have always been surprised at how many people have opened up to me, once I tiold them about my issues with anxiety.

There is a LOT of people out there carrying anxiety around and never told anyone me thinks :)


27-02-10, 10:00
Thanks Jaco - I agree, I'm sure a lot of people are quietly battling with this. I think I'm quite a 'private' person and know that this would become a subject of gossip between family and friends - not maliciously, but people do talk. My OH knows that I'm anxious, but has no comprehension of the extent of it.

27-02-10, 16:01
I dont tell many people because in my mind, the truth is, people are not very understanding, most would judge. I think if they cant help, why tell. Many are unkind and see people as weak, or at least not good enough.

Had a friend who had another friend who was anxious about her health. Friend 1, (if you can call her that) was pretty horrid to friend 2. In fact she would belittle her. One day friend 1 had a traumatic experience and became even more anxious than friend 2. Sometimes things come back at ya!

margaret jones
27-02-10, 17:12
Hi Deb
A bout letting friends / family no about your HA a mixed bag really last year on a trip to France with my Daughters and there hubbys and Granchildren i was almost in constant panic for the whole 3 days Unable to sit in resturants / and all other holiday outings we had planned so they had to know about my anxiety/ panic or be blind , very little was discussed but i felt they understood ( some of them )Did this help me ?? ( no not really ) I do some vol work and told my fellow workers in a subtle way and was suprised that they over a time told me of some of ther anxietys which did help me that these apparently strong people suffered from anxiety
So hope that helps :)Maggie

sarah jayne
28-02-10, 10:12
Theres only my husband who knows that i suffer from anxiety. Ive found it difficult to tell other people because before all this began i was such a confident, outgoing person who wasnt scared of anything, now im the opposite !, im sure some people might have guessed but to me its private and im trying to get better, im starting cbt soon so im hoping that will help me become the person i once was again.....x

28-02-10, 11:44
i was pretty open about my anxiety etc, now i hide it at work as my work colleagues are seeming annoyed with me and are now not being as understanding as i have had it for over a year, the advice i got was from my doctor who said why should you hide what you have, if people are not prepared to understand then that is their problem

i sometimes feel like i get treated differently, when all i want is to be treated the same, i may have this but i am still me as i keep pointing out to people

do not be scared to discuss with your doctor how you are feeling about everything

28-02-10, 16:45
Ive had bad reactions after revealing it to ppl, usually when Im so scared and fidgety I have to say something to explain my behaviour! One girl at work has been quite understanding and reassuring but I think people can judge and just see you as neurotic and a nervous person. Im fine in every other aspect of my life so hate the way it then makes ppl see me. I think its hard for ppl to understand, they think everyone is scared of serious illness but they can just live with the possibility and not dwell on it so they cant see why I panic.

Its quite bad tht my dad is one of the really un understanding ppl. I live at home and it can be hell as he just shouts and calls me abnormal for being so worried!