View Full Version : day procedure monday

27-02-10, 12:26
I suffer from GAD and severe IBS 1 makes other worse have to go in on monday 2 have 2 growths removed from just inside nose have 2 have them done as they look gross and am very conscious of them. Really worrying about this as i hate hospitals and dread the thought of staying there as its 40 miles away from home asked 4 a closer 1 but the guy who is doing it only does day procedure there. Any words of encouragement and calming thoughts phrases would b appreciated:blush:

27-02-10, 13:18
:hugs:I am not much help - but - I want to wish you well for monday.:yesyes:
at least it is a DAY procedure:yesyes:
I would be freaking out by now - you know you will look and feel better once it is done - so there is a plus:yesyes:
Best wishes

margaret jones
27-02-10, 13:43
What is your biggest fear ?? The procedure ?? Distance from home ?? Fear of panic ?? Try and think what is worrying you the most and then try and rationalise that fear , and do the same with the others ( sounds easy i know but its not but please try ) think how pleased you will be when it is done and dusted :)xxxxxx

27-02-10, 14:59
Hi Leony. My husband broke his back August last year when a quad bike fell on him. He had to wear a body brace 24/7 for 3 months! Yours is a doddle compared to that. Does that help?Seriously, I am not belittling your fear but what I'm trying to say is put it into perspective against other much worse scenarios and you will be so pleased you did it after because you will have such a confidence boost. Well done too for doing something about it too. Takes courage if you hate hospitals!:)

27-02-10, 15:31
if it's any consolation - i also suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and ibs - and i'm the same - one makes the other one worse - it's a never ending cycle.
I too am scared of hospitals as well as dentists and needles.
in the past few years i have had to give birth, have 2 operations (that followed with 2-3 months of a nurse coming to change dressings everyday), 2 wisdom teeth out - a number of fillings, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and at each one i was just as terrified as the last.
I usually find that it's hard enough to get to the place as my stomach/nerves are in bits and i keep having to run to the loo - very embarrassing. Then while i am there and at my most scared i usually grab onto the nearest nurses hand and tell them i'm terrified - they are usually then able to calm me down and talk me through it.
Usually whatever anyone says to me in the days running up to something like that it doesn't help.
The good thing is I can look back and say - well i got through all that so i can get through this - and once it's over it's over.
You will probably find that the worst part of what you having done is the local anesthetic - which will only be one or a few small jags to numb the area. my dad got 2 growths at the back of his neck removed last year - and he is also a scaredy cat - but he said he didn't feel a thing.
Good luck - but you will be fine.

27-02-10, 17:04
Thanks 4 the lovely replies nice 2 know there r other people out there that dont like hospitals and it is only a local dont know whether thats good or bad think its the distance thats freaking me more than anything will give me time 2 think about it on the way shame i cant b knocked out b 4 going there. Hope ur hubby is ok now.

27-02-10, 19:43
Hi Leony,

I bet you are in and out before you know it on Monday! Most of these day procedures are carried out so quickly and painlessly nowadays and as soon as you can go home then they let you. It'll be over and done with before you know it. Let us know how you get on.

27-02-10, 20:36
Will do its just that the last time i was taken in it was due to severe stomach pains and i keep thinking its something terrible that they have missed. I have had every test going and was told it was IBS most days feel like crap and cant seem 2 regain the weight wasnt big 2 begin with just have 2 come 2 terms that its IBS and stop stressing so much. If i can control the GAD i can overcome the other easier said than done somedays now have claire weekes book and am slowly reading it.

02-03-10, 13:12
Just an update had my day procedure done back home by half 12 the worst part was having the injections up my nose that was flaming sore made my eyes water gave me cream 2 put up nose and painkillers havent needed these so far, was sick this morning when i got up but will only assume it was the local ansetic sorry about spelling.Nurse was lovely held my hand all the way through and doctor was very kind kept asking if i was ok, sent them away 4 biopsys will c me when he gets the results

02-03-10, 16:43
well done leony - you did it!!!! and it wasn't as bad as you expected. now it's over!!!! :yesyes:

03-03-10, 14:27
:hugs:happy to hear it all went well:yesyes:
Best wishes