View Full Version : Read this Heart thud/pvc sufferers

27-02-10, 15:57
Someone left this link somewhere else. I had heard of this before but thought nah! this cant work. This advise seems like its worth a try and at least a read. No selling, just a sufferer and how he helped himself cure PVC's:


27-02-10, 22:56
Having read this article it backs up what I had already been told by a Dr about my pvc;s and that was that low levels of potassium can cause them- the potassium does not have to considered low by current blood test standards but anything below 4.5 can trigger ectopics in people. I was told to eat bananas etc to keep my potassium levels up - I also take famotidine which is a milder acid suppressant than the new ppi's and found the bananas helped tremendously with my pvc's.

27-02-10, 23:19
Thanks - have made this a sticky thread

01-03-10, 01:17
Thanks Nicola - I have sent off for some unfiltered apple cider vinegar and although this guy says he had to get it from America, that may have been back when he wrote that. I have managed to get some here.

I winder how I could get my potassium levels checked

02-03-10, 15:55
Hi typer
where did you manage to get your apple cider from. I too would like to get some.
Thankyou lorraine (new on site).

03-03-10, 14:26
I ordered mine on line. It arrived today. It was £6.50 for 350ml...I thought it was a bit expensive but looks as though it should last about 8 - 10 weeks.

I got it from a place called Higher Nature

You can call them on 0800 458 4747

I will check out Holland and Barratt locally and see if they can get some cheaper.

Here is the link to vinegar I bought:

03-03-10, 17:42
Hi typer
thanks for the apple cider vinger number will give them a call.


07-03-10, 14:37
how many bananas do u eat in a day?

19-03-10, 20:14
how many bananas do u eat in a day?

I have started having one in the morning and one in the evening. The guy who wrote the article is on the facebook palps page

24-04-10, 16:32
I winder how I could get my potassium levels checked

Ask for blood tests. My Dr is testing my potassium and calcuim levels this way.

24-04-10, 17:10
Sounds interesting stuff ! ile give it a go to , ive started to eat a bannana or two every day now for the past couple of weeks , not had many palps so far ..

Going home
24-04-10, 18:55
I've also discovered the link between digestive problems and ectoptics/heart flutters, although for me it seemed to work the other way because instead of putting more acid in, I actually took ant-acids to solve my stomach problems and chewed on the chalky white tablets 3 times a day and after a week or so of taking them realised they seemed to stop the ectopics too. There is also a known theory that if your stomach is irritated this can also irritate the Vagus nerve, which in turn irritates the heart since this large nerve meanders through quite a few organs in our body.

The doctor told me the active ingredient in most of the antacids is called 'Simeticone' and the brand I take also has calcium and magnesium in it too. Also, after taking them regularly for around 6 months I found I didn't have to go on taking them every day as my digestive problems improved, and now I only take them a few times in the week if that. The ectopics have never really returned either.

Really interesting article, thanks...:)


Interestingly, the article mentioned a possible connection with eyelid twiching....and this was a problem for me too but I never made a connection before, I always put it down to being a stressed person!

28-04-10, 19:53
Well i got my apple cider vinegar today , not tried it yet , Anybody noticed any difference for taking it yet ?

28-04-10, 19:59
Im about to google food high in potassium as I dont like bananas or rather they dont like me!

04-09-10, 21:56
Hi, Interesting topic I have suffered from anxiety for 12 years and this caused me to suffer badly from Acid reflux. I was prescribed medication to suppress the acid but this in turn gave me some side effects, although I was unaware it was caused by my medication. My symptoms included PVC's which were happening about every minute and hearing my heart beat in my left ear all of which added further to my anxiety.

I later read on the internet about the side effects associated with my medication so I stopped taking it, only for the Reflux to return. I have tried many options to help cure me of the Reflux and what works for me is Ginger Juice which I make myself by juicing raw ginger I took 2 teasoons every day for about 2 weeks then when ever I think I require it. I have also heard about the great possibilties that Apple Cider Vinegar can achieve so to that end I did a wee bit of research and found that eating green apples is also very good for keeping acid levels down. I have been eating 2 Granny Smiths for around 9 days now and all looks very promising.

When you get to that desperate stage anything is worth a try and I am a firm believer there are natural remedies out there it just finding the one that suits you. Hope this will help reduce the suffering for someone.

Keep you updated on the green apple progress.

Kindest Regards Will

22-09-10, 18:47
i've been taking magnesium tablets and its really worked, not had any problems since :)

26-12-10, 21:06
Been trying to get on the curepvcs.com website with no luck - anyone else had or having a problem??

18-07-11, 08:45
I have had pvc's for 25 years or so. With varying degrees of severity, some days better than others, I suffered from wondering when it was going to kill me. It was pretty bad sometimes. It got worse as I got older and I have been taking beta blockers, modified diet, etc... I really was not enjoying life at all. Nothing helped for very long.
Guess what? I snored, I didn't think it was much more than a a pin in my wife's arse. But about 4 months ago, I went for a sleep study. They diagnosed me with mild sleep apnea, and prescribed a cpap machine. I have been using it for about 2 months now, and my pvc's have dwindled to almost none. I have dropped my beta blocker dose down ( 25 mg a day now from 100) and eat chocolate without consequence.
Is it a cure? I don't know. It has been working for me though. It feels good not to have my ticker bouncing around in my chest like an out of control pinball at long last.
If you are long suffering like I was, look into a sleep study. It might just be the answer for you too!

21-07-11, 00:48
That is interesting - how did the sleep clinic diagnose it?

27-04-12, 20:02
That's an interesting thought. I'd heard of pottasium helping but not as much as magnesium. I haven't read the article yet but I'm intrigued with this Apple Cider Vinegar thing.....

I'm not really a banana guy either but I know you can get pottasium in suplements

04-02-13, 10:28
I had a lot of trouble with palpitations over the last few years, used to freak me out totally! And of course that only made it worse lol!

It turns out that excess stomach acid is what sets them off for me. So do certain foods or medications, mainly ones that raise the levels of acid in your stomach. Things like alcohol, spicy foods, too much tomatoe or even eating too much so that my stomach is too full. Sometimes even bending over will set them off, because I have a hiatus hernia and the acid can get out of my stomach easily! If I'm sick or my stomach is upset, that can also set them off.

I'm afraid that apple cider vinegar made them worse too!

But the main thing is they no longer frighten me because I know the source of them, and my heart has checked out fine with all the tests :) I know to use antacids if my stomach is upset and that usually solves the problem. It's amazing how your heart can be so connected to your stomach!

I guess what I really wanted to say is, keeping an eye on your diet in relation to your heart palps can give you a clue as to the source. If you find you're having them after certain foods, meds, drinks or certain exercises then it might give you an idea as to what's happening.

It's important to remember that anxiety can set them off too, and that definitely happens to me also. When I am very stressed my heart can beat all put of rhythm. But I take that as a sign that it's time to take a step back and relax, do some breathing and stop the stress response - it always helps with the palps.

05-02-13, 14:05
I hate bananas unfortunately!:shrug:

23-03-13, 00:34
i've been taking magnesium tablets and its really worked, not had any problems since :)

^This. I take 250mgs of Magnesium a day after a Doc told me it would help. It did help a lot. I still get PVC's but they are very few and far between when before they seemed to be almost daily.

I eat banana's too sometimes but they can be binding. :/

17-06-15, 23:48
This is incredible information! I get ectopic beats constantly for ten+ years. Doctors always tell me my blood work is fine, my ekg is fine, etc. but after seeing that anything below 4.5 for potassium can trigger ectopics, I looked at my last electrolyte level and sure enough...mine's only 3.6! Still technically within normal range but below the 4.5! How did I NOT know this sooner!?!

Arran burgess
02-01-17, 11:21
Hi everyone my names Arran I suffer with all sorry of funny heart beats like eptopics and other scary beat I don't understand why I get those I have af after I had slot to drink my cardiologist says it won't happen again and your heart is fine had loads of ecgs and a ecocardigram but my heart seam like it's getting worse I have this fast funny beat and big extra beats and it feel like a weak beat I feel dizzy and just really funny my doc says this is just aniexty and nothing wrong with your heart but would the test I've had concern I have a heart problem or not because it's worrying me so much I was panicking when I had the eco so my heart was beating harder and fine but they don't se when my heart beat is 46 beats a min and my heart feels really weak so do anyone
Else get all these funny beats and feeling

21-03-19, 20:16
Hi, im new to this forum, my name is margy. I suffer with ectopic beats, i have done for years. but i have health anxiety and they tend to be worse. I have had ECG's in the past and have come back normal, i have a normal potassium level too. I get so scared though when they come, i try not to panic though. Any advice.

19-11-20, 03:50
I would like to share another website (link below) for those who have either posted in this thread or may be browsing through. It is a similar website to the first one of someone who tells his story of having dealt with heart palpitations and what he has found to be most helpful to remedy them such as breathing exercises, changes in diet, and supplements. Some of the pages also have comments from others discussing what has assisted them in overcoming these as well.


16-09-22, 09:27
Heart palpitations are best thought of like turbulence on a plane. You know they're 99.9% not going to kill you, but they make you feel like they are nevertheless.

I have tried all the fad diets, techniques, tips etc for 20 years trying to get rid of these. Mine are actually worse than just PVCs as I also get NSVT regularly. Cardiologists all say the same thing - they won't kill you.

But I have wasted close to 20 years of my life, time I will never get back, worrying about them.

Stop trying to control them and just live with them. That's the best advice you will ever hear. The more you try to figure out what stops them, the more obsessed with your heart you get, the more you have.

22-12-23, 23:01
Has anyone had side effects from ramipril?