View Full Version : Is this anxiety or is there something wrong with me?

27-02-10, 15:58
Hi, I am new to this forum and need some help and advice.

I have always been an anxious person however since christmas I have been experiencing lots of other symptoms.
I suffer from ectopic beats which is scary in itself however I am learning to deal with them. My problems occur at bed time; as I am drifting off to sleep I will get what feels like a head and chest rush and it will suddenly awaken me because I feel like I can't breathe and my whole body tingles. This can go on all night and the following day I am really tired and dizzy. I often get sudden dizzy spells whilst relaxing and have woken up during the night with a pounding heart rate and feeling extremely dizzy - this is very frightening but only lasts a few minutes. I always feel like my heart rate feels too slow at night. I have had blood tests, ecg and holter monitor and only the ectopic beats have shown.
Please help - all advice is appreciated.:)

27-02-10, 16:03
hi Nic and welcome :)

I just moved your post to this area, it's the introduce yourself bit :)

You will find a lot of great advice here


27-02-10, 16:23
Thanks Jaco, any advice?:)

27-02-10, 16:31
Ok I will have a pop at some advice :)

I get ectopics too, like the feeling you get when being in a lift that stops suddenly and then thud.

I would say get checked out but you have ruled out anything sinister (a good thing :)) so the chances are they are caused either by anxiety of stimulants like coffee, alcohol etc.

Now if it is anxiety, I would suggest tackling the anxiety and not spending the time worrying about the beats, (I found Clare Weekes books good for anxiety).

I am a bit silly with mine, I get them, but I never cut out coffee, wine etc so I can't really complain ;).

One other thing that I noticed makes mine diminish, and that' regular exercise.

I am sure more people will post :)



27-02-10, 22:02
hi nic, I recognise the chest tingles u r talking about as u drift to sleep. I get them and it is hard 2 fell asleep when they start. I do manage to fall asleep eventually. I always thought they were just a weird sleep issue like sleep paralysis which I can also get as well. I have heard many people get the sleep tingles. Do the tingles get so bad u have 2 jolt ur body? I think as its having such an effect on ur sleep that u ask to see a sleep specialist. Can ur doctor refer u?

27-02-10, 22:46
welcome to the forum Nic:)

01-03-10, 21:00

I get a sort of rising tight feeling in my chest that goes up to my throat as im falling off to sleep and it jolts me awake as it makes me feel like I cant breath.

Went to doctors about it and he said it was anxiety. I thought my brain was not telling my body to breath!!!

Hope that helps


11-03-10, 16:12
Thanks for your posts. Over the past few weeks I have woke up suddenly 3 or 4 times with a pounding heart and severe dizziness. It's been that bad that it has actually woken me from my sleep. I don't remember having a bad dream or anything at the time. I feel very shaken afterwards. This only lasts about 5 minutes. Any ideas?X

11-03-10, 17:39
Hi Nic

I had this when I had high anxiety.

It's to do with your subconcious also being anxious (so some 6 foot 3 S A Therapist told me, so I didn't like to argue ;)).

So as you are asleep, your mind can still be in overdrive and the Fight or Flight chemicals released into your body, and hence the rude awakeining.

I wouldn't stress about it too much, as soon as you start to tackle the day to day anxiety, this should go.

Also watch what you drink before bed, stay off the stimulants, they wont help.



Veronica H
11-03-10, 19:51
:welcome:Nic. Glad that you have found us. I get the dreaded middle of the night jolt but try not read too much into it other than that your nerves are sensitised. this will get better, and Dr Weekes is really good.


11-03-10, 20:50
Hi Nic,

I have had quite a few of these over the past few months but I was pretty sure mine were due to nightime reflux, however they are exactly the same as what you described and really scary so maybe they are nocturnal panic attacks?. Have you had any of these feelings during the day or is it just when you go to sleep?. Im sure its just anxiety if you have had all the checks. Have you spoken to your doc about some medication for the panic maybe? :)

11-03-10, 21:14
I was concerned that it could be sleep apnea? is this possible?