View Full Version : Tips on coping with a train journey

27-02-10, 18:53
Not posted for a while. Looking for tips on coping with a train journey I have to undertake.
Not been on public transport for over 10 years, but doing a 2 hour journey tomorrow, only one way, to collect a car I have purchased. Seller meeting me at the train station.
I can feel my Anx levels creeping up now, I will do my breathing exercising in the morning and the meditation/relaxation exercises tonight.
I managed to get a deal for first class carriage and its Sunday so hopefully it won't be too busy.
At the height of my Anx I was a agpraphobic and I still have problems with travel/holidays and being far from home, not to bad when driving myself.
So any coping mechanisms/tips from members would be welcome.
I had spent time looking into getting the car delivered, but going myself is the cheapest option by far, my partner has encourage me to go on the train, she is of the opinion that this is something I need to do to get free of these feelings.

27-02-10, 18:56
Hi Mike

Try these...





27-02-10, 19:36
Hi Mike,

I know it sounds daft, but if it gets a bit too much for you, don't forget you can hide in the loos! I used to do that alot when travelling on trains and aircraft.

All the best for tomorrow.

27-02-10, 20:38
Take an MP3 plater with u and a book 2 pass the time quicker and distract urself might help

Veronica H
27-02-10, 22:16
MP3 and bottled water. Also look out of the window and face forward. You can do this:flowers:. let us know how it goes.


27-02-10, 22:56
Just because you haven't done it in a long time doesn't mean it will be a harder experience. The only way you make it harder is by believing it will be... tell yourself as much as you can that it will be easy.

This does work for me - when I can't get out of bed, I tell myself it's easy, I've done it before, people do it every day, it's completely possible. Then as soon as I start thinking about something else I can get up! I don't understand why it works like that but that's the way it is for me!

But as for train journeys... usually when I travel on a Sunday it's completely empty, doubt you'll have to sit next to anyone else. If you take some relaxing music with you that you can focus on, or an audio book/podcast, it really helps - you can close your eyes and just focus on what you're hearing. Find out what time your stop is at and set your phone alarm for a few minutes before so that you don't have to focus on your surroundings until then.

Best of luck! Tell us how it goes! Have fun with the new car :)

28-02-10, 12:51
Hi I haven't got any advice for you but I know exactly how you are feeling. I went to a meet on another site yesterday and it is so frustrating having to leave early to get the bus because it takes longer as I have got a train phobia as well. There was also some interest in a Brockenhurst meet which is situated in the new forest in the summer and will really love to go but the only way to get there is by train as there are no direct buses there. After all, I would not even travel on buses a few years ago and then got therapy to help me overcome it and now I travel on buses across hampshire. Anyway please let us know how you get on.:yesyes:

27-03-10, 16:58
Hi Mikey,

It's a month since you went on this journey and I wonder how you got on?

I agree that all these distractions are a good idea, but for me my mind always knows I am trying to distract it and is acutely aware of everything that's going on around me, even with magazines or music.

I guess what I would try and do is to shrug my shoulders and say to the potential panic 'bring it on!', because trying to avoid panic seems to bring it on all the more. However, this is easier said than done! I have avoided situations for a long time and am just beginning to tackle my travel problems.

I'd love to know how you got on.


27-03-10, 21:38
I am not a lover of public transport and like yourself don't always enjoy being away from home, i went to london 3 weekends ago, travelled by train which i coped with, my worry was the tube train in london, i forced myself to go on as i tend to avoid everything i fear, i had been on a tube once before and was fine, so this is what i kept telling myself, anyway reguardless to me sweating, palpitations, feeling anxious i went on the tube and was absolutely fine :), came off feeling proud of myself, and asked myself why i let things like this destroy and ruin my life/enjoyment.
i get so angry with myself and wish i could be free from anxiety :weep: but with positive thinking we can all over come our fears with small steps!!!
you will be fine on the train, think positive, take a drink/food and mp3/ipod and relax :)
Good Luck :hugs:

29-03-10, 21:15
Sorry for not replying sooner.

Yes did the train journey - it was an experience.

Felt edgy all the day before (Saturday)
Woke up Sunday early and felt the usual dry mouth sweaty palms etc.
Which continued all the way to the train station.
Had to wait 10 minutes, kept breathing, walking up and down the platform etc.
Got on the train - glad I booked and got a deal on first class, I had the whole carriage to myself.
Felt quite pleased, felt calmer, but no not to last, just before the train arrived at Derby I had a big panic, really really wanted to get off the train, big fight in my head, get off, no stay on, get off. But stayed on.
I think this was brought on by the fact that I expected to feel anxious or have a panic attack and when I was quite enjoying the train, my sub conscious must of thought, hey we're not having this lets set off a panic attack, just not to disappoint. I think it must be programmed into me for this to be a normal emotion.
Anyway stayed in my seat, continued to do my breathing excercises, because it was first class carriage didn't fill up that much even when we got to Birmingham and not one sat next to me, which help me be in my own private space.
Buy this time the panic had passed and I managed to have a drink and something to eat (a banana).
Arrived at Cheltenham feeling all OK. Still had those thoughts going through my head, like what if etc.
Really glad I did it, glad I went first class, as when I got off the train to walk to the exit, passing the other carriages the rest of the train was full.
It has given me a renewed energy to try and press on, I have though come to accept that this is now part of me and will always be there in some form or other.
Need to work on that trip to visit friends in Aus!!!!
Thanks all for the support.