View Full Version : Quitting the cigs

27-02-10, 21:31
Well this is my fourth day without smoking!!!!! I can do it.. I will do it... I will not give in to the ciggies... OMG It's 9.15 on a Saturday night and i'm in bed drinking tonic water because Coffee makes me want to smoke. ARggggggggggg!!!!! Would anyone like to join me in quitting..

27-02-10, 21:48
best of luck. I have smoked off and on for 16 years. Quit a few times, and it does really get easier after first week. But youve got to watch out for the triggers, like you said, coffee for you!! You can do it, Im planning my next quit after my blood test results on monday. Best of luck, just keep reminding yourself that the cravings will decrease. :hugs:its awful, I know
sharanj XX

margaret jones
27-02-10, 22:26
Kath well done i did it after being rushed to A/E ? heart attack my grandaughter was so upset that i gave up was ready myself to quit i think you have to do it for you Good Luck

Cell block H fan
27-02-10, 22:48
Good for you! I will be stopping once this packet is finished. Ive got about 10 left. So it'll be tomorrow.
Got pathches at the ready.
If you are doing it with no help, hats off to you! x

28-02-10, 04:33
Yep, Im with you. Day 1 today......... Lets do it...........

28-02-10, 16:08
Hi All

Count me in ..I am on day 5 of stopping had a bit of a rough day yesterday,as my hubby smokes and i kept watching him lol but i am determined this time to do it as mum was rushed into hospital end of nov with breathing problems due to smoking she has copd she packed in 20yrs ago and seeing her struggle for breath and on oxygen for 4 wks gave me the kick i needed...

wens x:yesyes:

28-02-10, 18:28
lets do it!! im with you. day one of being a non smoker!!!!

28-02-10, 18:59
I'm 6 months in, it is possible ! I used to smoke, drink, eat unhealthy food and do nothing all day and get ill all the time. Now I go to the gym 5 times a week, eat healthy, not drink and get stuff done. I'm really boring now LOL but I know its for the best.

28-02-10, 21:06
Thanks for the replies, Ive really struggled today and I really want a ciggy but I've not had one so far. I wish you all well on journey, we can do it. I'm not feeling very talkative today good luck everyone.

Vanilla Sky
28-02-10, 21:38
I'm on to my second week of giving up, I have to admit i have had a few weak moments and had a drag here and there but put it out in disgust! It's so hard to give up and i'm determined this time, and by the way my anxiety has been so much better since i stopped , So good luck everyone , let's kick this one up the butt !! :)

28-02-10, 21:43
Yes please Kath...I'd like some support starting to give up today not smoked ...but just lit one ha ha ...kept myself busy busy busy and just sat down, lit up and have now read your post ... how will we give each other support...know I'm gonna need it ...you have done fantastically well....are you using any nicotine replacement or going cold turkey x

28-02-10, 21:52

i'm 4 and a half months off them - smoked for about 13 years! (14-27)

Stopped after my first panic attack!

Still having the odd craving - mainly after dinner - and my partner is still smoking which is annoying but he will give up in his own time.

01-03-10, 01:20
Well done Kath. I gave up cold turkey on Dec 13th. I had such a bad cough I was unable to actually smoke so it was forced on me. After about two weeks the cough had eased a bit but by then I thought nope....I'll stop. Still there 2.5 months later.

Good luck everyone....you can do it

01-03-10, 02:57
i'm joining the pack (ooops, no pun intended). i'm on my fourth month and no more craving. i can have coffee and not reach out for a stick.

watch your appettite. you may have a real big one pretty soon. that's what i got when i quit -- everything i eat tastes sooooo good. that's why i exercise more often now.

go for it, kathryn!

01-03-10, 09:27
I gave up 5 yrs in sept, was the best thing I ever did. It is hard but gets easier and easier. I used the patches and that really seemed to help. Good luck you Can do it!!!

01-03-10, 17:10
Well done to those who are actually doing it. It has to be good in the end.