View Full Version : Frequency of panic attacks

07-01-06, 13:02
Just out of interest how often do each of you have panic attacks?

07-01-06, 14:22
i have been getting full blown panic attacks every 3 or 4 days lately.but that is because my anxiety is at its worst .before that it was every month or so depending what situation i was in.take care kind regards marcia xx

marcia lowe

07-01-06, 16:29
I think everybody is different - some people get regular full bloown panics and some just get major ones once in a blue moon.

For me it's more like liveing on the verge of panic hte whole time and living in a state of semi-panic. Occassionally I get the full blown works but more often than no it's a day spent panicking that I am going mad! I think it's because I now cope better with the physical symptoms so the mental ones are worse.

Annie x

07-01-06, 19:24
At one point I went an entire year without having an attack.. Then I went through some major life changes and the downward spiral began all over again to where I was having them daily sometimes more than once a day... now 4 mnths after I began meds and therapy I have had one major attack and a few "mini" attacks.. So I would have to say it depends on the person as well as what is going on in their life at the time.

Brightest of Blessings