View Full Version : skipped beats and strange sinking feelings

28-02-10, 02:14
In the last few months my health anxiety and general anxiety level have really flared up. I have never been professionally diagnosed but I've always had weird phobias and anxiety flareups since I was young. However, sometimes it goes into remission and I'm fine.

I got the swine flu in November and ever since then I've been pretty anxious about my health. I just feel like I'm not "right"

What's really annoying is that I get skipped heart beats. I've been getting them for a couple of years but ever since an episode last spring where they were coming very constantly for about 10 minutes I've been getting them a lot more. I've read several of the posts here and it's pretty much the same as many of you experience. The brief loss of breath, etc. I HATE feeling like I could just keel over at any minute! Logically I should be a very healthy 25 year old female. I am very active and often go surfing for hours.

Recently however, in the last week, I've been getting a strange sinking feeling in my chest. It's kind of a mix of the feeling you get when you're just about to fall asleep and you wake up, a startle feeling, and a surge of some sort. It's not a heavy feeling, just kind of a tired feeling, like my body was just about to fall asleep. This woke me up the other night, and I also have been getting it throughout the daytime.

It doesn't feel like my heart is skipping beats for these sinking feelings, though.

Has anyone experienced anything like this?

28-02-10, 06:30
Ive had both.

skipped beats are normal cardiac events. Ive been told this by about 5 different doctors. If you have no dizziness/chest pain/shortness of breath while you are having skipped beats, do not worry...even though the sensation is rly unpleasent..they are HARMLESS.

The sinking feeling you feel are "dropped" beats...i think they are some weird type of palp...a person who posts here told me that that is what his cardiologist told him. Again, ttly nomal cardiac event...particulary if you have history of or are prone to anxiety.

Its rly hard to not be scared by these sensations. Distraction is the key. And also continually tell yourself tht this wont harm you and that it will pass.

28-02-10, 14:15
Yeah I get that feeling a lot and the cardiologist told me they are skipped beats and nothing to worry about. It is a strange sensation, like a dropping feeling, it has really freaked me out in the past but after speaking to the cardiologist I have felt much more relaxed about them. Please don't let them worry you too much but if they do pop to the docs for piece of mind, it always helps me get my head around things ( well, most of the time anyway!;) hope you feel ok


28-02-10, 14:20
The cardiologist explained to me that it is possible for individuals to experience skipped beats differently so in your case you are prob feeling them
the same way I do, also it could be a
stomach feeling your having something I read (maybe on this site I think) said sometime innocent goings on in our stomachs can produce similar feelings,

28-02-10, 14:42
I think we get an extra beat, rather than skip a beat, this is what we often feel. It happens to most people I think, but not everyone notices it.

28-02-10, 17:28
Thanks everyone. I'm going to get evaluated by a Cardiologist but it's just really helpful to get this off my chest (ha ha).

The weird sinking feelings are really annoying because, great, now I have another thing to worry about.