View Full Version : Mind over matter?

28-02-10, 11:34

This may sound a strange question but how much can our minds effect our health.

I know that anxiety can play havoc with our immune system, leaving us vulnerable to infections, I know that if I have been very anxious about my health, my healing is always slower. So can we actually make ourselves ill due to worry?

In the same vain can we cure illness by being positive and upbeat and not worrying.

I remember my doctor said something along the lines of you can think yourself well so surely the reverse must apply?

They say you are what you eat, maybe your health is a lot to do with what you feed your brain; what you think.


28-02-10, 12:28

I think there may be an element of that to it. After all CBT is all about the positive thought process and it certainly worked for me.
It's all about balance - balanced diet, balanced amount of exercise, balanced mind and a balanced amount of the little things we enjoy in life.

28-02-10, 12:44
Absolutely. I believe it 100%.

I also conversely believe in the ability of our mind/subconscious to heal our bodies. I have done a lot of reading on the subject. If you want to read a fantastic book on the subject read The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy. I refer to it regularly.
