View Full Version : Am I going mental? I need help!

28-02-10, 12:28
Hello everyone I'm back again and things are getting rough!

On a good note I was 25 yesterday so another year under my belt hehe.

Anyway back to the dark side of things.

I've lately realised I'm getting a new symptom and it's one that I'm have a VERY hard time dealing with.

I feel like I'm losing my mind and all control. I over-analyze everything in my head then I panic as I can't stop myself doing it then I feel as if I lose TOTAL control of what my mind's thinking and thusly have a massive panic attack and all my bodily symptoms kick in.

I wish I could control the thoughts in my mind but everytime I look at or think of the simplest thing I over-analyze and evaluate it and more often not I'll find a negative thing to do with it and because I'm thinking in this way and can't control it I freak myself and again the symptoms escalate.

Sometimes I'm totally fine and I can somehow just blank my thoughts but when my mind is idle or I'm doing something that doesn't involve too much concentration, it's like my mind takes over and goes into overdrive and it really is terrifying. Then the fear takes over and I feel like I'm going to die or totally lose all control of my mental ability and I have no idea how to stop it.

I also feel like I need to cry a lot of the time, even yesterday on my Birthday...but I have NOTHING to be sad about? I feel myself welling up for no reason at all and now it's really starting to get to me

What is going on, I feel like I'm having a real mental breakdown and nobody understands me?

I'm going for my first ever CBT session tomorrow as I've had enough and want to know if this can be treated or at least helped in someway as it's destroying my life. I feel like I'm going to lose control even before I get one symptom.

I hope this is all part of anxiety but for me it just feels like I'm having complete breakdown and it's scaring me to death. :weep::weep:

All comments and help appreciated!

28-02-10, 12:34
hi mate this is all part and parcel of anxiety if you read other peoples notes you will see something similar some where i do a puzzle at night when i go to bed that does help distraction is the key let the thoughts come and go

28-02-10, 12:37
I just can't find a way of pulling myself out of it. Even though I fight it with my positive attitude by saying to myself "You're fine, your brain's just having a mad one" I always find the negative beats me.

It's awful, especially when I'm just sitting there happily and all of a sudden....ooh over-evaluate...Oh no did I just over-think that....why did I do that?...OMG why did I do that....

Then it escalates into more fear and more thoughts that don't help. The problem is for me it's like it's come out of the blue as I'm normally a very clear thinker with no issues. Why does it just START to happen?

28-02-10, 12:53
it happens because the brain plays tricks on us when we relax more than when we ae busy ,, .. its not nice and i feel for you i get the same thing happen

28-02-10, 12:55
I know it's awful I just can't think of a way around it. Then I think hmm I've been prescribed Sertraline, shall I see if it works, then I read horror stories about taking meds on here and think woah maybe not!

But then again I think hold on there's nothing else I can really do is there? Maybe I have to go on these meds?

It's so hard :(

28-02-10, 14:15
What ways are there I can deal with these random terrifying, negative thoughts? I just need help on how to cope and perhaps I can start dealing with them!

28-02-10, 15:46
hi. i actually thought i was reading my own words when i read your post. i am an over analyser and i hate it. its all part of anxiety and its so difficult. i know what u mean about the negative always beating you. its so hard to push that big monster out of your head when it has nowhere to go. i think too much about silly little things to the point where i make up stories in my head and making myself beleive them. i sit and think im nuts. i am on medication and i did exactly what you did. read up on them and scared myself shitless. i persevered though and they are helping but u have to not think about it and just get on with it. i know how stupid that sounds saying it to an over thinker but if u think about it you will give yourself a panic attack. i have recently started keeping a diary and i find its a good release at bedtime to clear the thoughts out of my head. hope you are well. feel free to pm me. xx

28-02-10, 16:19
You are not going mental. Anxiety makes our thoughts go into overdrive. It's nothing but brain chatter caused by a tired, anxious mind. This will calm down when you are a bit more relaxed. You could be someone who takes the meds with very little or no side effects. When I took sertraline I only had a vague headache for a few days. I know lots of people who take different meds and didn't have many side effects - we are all different. They could make a huge difference to how you are feeling. I hope so. But this will pass, you won't always feel like this.

28-02-10, 17:58
Its so easy to Fall for the Crazy Thoughts your Brain Puts into your Head,

I am A Post sufferer of this crazy symptom the human body so kindly provides, I like to describe myself As A post sufferer however im not, the days where i made myself ill over it are well and truley gone, But it still sits there, the best way to overcome these thoughts and what i found so helpfull is Meditation, relaxation of the Mind, honestly its A big help, i turnt to the dr for help and quickly Realised the dr just wanted me in and out of the surgery with A precription of lovely medication that zombified me and Thats not what i wanted,

Meditation Relaxed me to the point that even the slightest thing didnt even bother me, it also made my Mind be able to deal with the slightest of Things, im making it sound all so easy, it takes A while to learn the true art of meditation as you really have to just let yourself go,

Aniexty Plays havoc with your Mind, but one thing we all have to get clear is its just the Mind it plays havoc with, the rest of your body still works as normally, your heart may skip out of place and feel as thogh its stopping but your making that muscle Much more stronger, and if your heart was in serious distress your body would show so many more signs to signal this, there are Plenty of Meditation groups, DVD'S to teach this art,

give it a try it really does beat drugs
i hope this helps you, as i feel so much for you,

28-02-10, 18:44
Thanks Caggy, I may just simply try clearing my mind and relaxing first of all but good advice definitely.

I just can't work out where it comes from or why it comes on but I just start to think badly or strangely it worries me and therefore everything gets worse and more evil thoughts spring in.

Horrible, just horrible

28-02-10, 19:42
Hi David . This is just a symptom of intense mental fatigue, I too found his the worst of all of the anxiety symptoms. I suggest buying essential help for your nerves by claire weekes as this has a pretty good description of it.

I found the best way to deal with it was to "get out of your mind" and focus on the breath coming in and out of your nose and just keep coming back to it no matter what thoughts go through your head. Eventually they'll slow down and eventually dissapear as you gain a greater awareness of what's happening. It does take time though unfortunately.

28-02-10, 22:50
Time is a healer they say. I just always try to find out "why" something's happen and because I have no control it freaks me out!

01-03-10, 10:22
Does anyone ever just find you're randomly filled with thoughts and have no idea why you're thinking them so it worries you and potentially creates a panic attack? Or you work yourself up into thinking your going to have these thoughts and because you've done that you end up in a state?

Feel like I'm going nuts.

01-03-10, 12:09
Post removed by author

01-03-10, 16:03
Very good post Chris and I feel better just reading it.

The thing for me is WHY? I always ask myself WHY is this happening and then as I can't find an answer I drive myself insane.

I think the meds may have to be started on very soon!

01-03-10, 17:02
Post removed by author

01-03-10, 17:46
Chris you're a very clued up and nicely spoken gent to which I have a lot of respect and admiration. What you say in your posts sinks in with me and that's not often the case.

One comment you said did baffle me though and if you can help explain it that will in turn help me.

"If you fear madness, then the fear is proof that madness in impossible" - How does that work? As I fear going mad and ended up in some loony bin nowdays and it's what initially starts me off into my cycle.

01-03-10, 20:51
Post removed by author

Bitter Life
02-03-10, 14:45
Chris you're a very clued up and nicely spoken gent to which I have a lot of respect and admiration. What you say in your posts sinks in with me and that's not often the case.

One comment you said did baffle me though and if you can help explain it that will in turn help me.

"If you fear madness, then the fear is proof that madness in impossible" - How does that work? As I fear going mad and ended up in some loony bin nowdays and it's what initially starts me off into my cycle.

David I think worst one is mine so far I am afraid to go mad and be sent the only mental hospital in my city where I use to work and everybody knows me LoL.

there was a time I was thinking of changing my city so If I become "Mad" I will have less anxiety because it will be in different hospital and different staff!

I think Is just an obsession and Obsession is in the Mind and your Mind Is within you ... I always think when someone showed you he or she cares It makes you happy.. That 's why I decided to write in this forum I like that dual game of being " a patient" and "Therapist"..If I only could help myself!

03-03-10, 19:55
It certainly is in the mind.

The past 2 days I've been very busy and hardly had time to "panic" or even think I'm going mad which has resulted in little to no symptoms. Always nice!

It's amazing how the mind really works, one day you can feel completely overwhelmed with fear and have nonsense thoughts and emotions. The next you can be fine.

Wonder what'll happen tomorrow?

Bitter Life
04-03-10, 04:53
It certainly is in the mind.

The past 2 days I've been very busy and hardly had time to "panic" or even think I'm going mad which has resulted in little to no symptoms. Always nice!

It's amazing how the mind really works, one day you can feel completely overwhelmed with fear and have nonsense thoughts and emotions. The next you can be fine.

Wonder what'll happen tomorrow?

I believe best thing for anxiety is sleep early wake up early and in between keep yourself busy I know it sounds very simple but It does work for me most of the time!

05-03-10, 22:22
I know what you're saying just some days I really can't find things to do lol!