View Full Version : Triggers

28-02-10, 13:58
Hi All

I've been taking Fluoxitine at varying doses for about four years.

I started when my doctor said I was clinically depressed. To be honest it was not until a day ago when I found out about anxiety I wondered about the original diagnosis. Although I had felt very down, my major problem was since loosing my job at that time, I felt I worried all the time and that the worries grew really out of proportion. I also started to think everyone who I saw was watching me or after me.

My biggest problem was money worries. During the day these worries were a problem, but when I woke at 3.30am they got so exaggerated I felt suicidal. I never felt that the fluoxitine really did much for me, the doctor varied the dosage but when I had these worry attacks it never seemed to help.

Money worries stopped for a while and although I always thought something bad was about to happen, I generally had a good nights sleep. But, once more I have money worries again the waking in the night and worrying is so hard to cope with. I just had to go to hospital to have my eyes checked and while there I felt reasonably calm but the nurse said my blood pressure was high. Since then I have worried about this and how it may affect my future with regards to money/work.

I decided to have a look on the web and started to read this forum. I'm now wondering if I have actually been suffering with depression or GAD, or even a bit of both. I need to get back to my GP about the blood pressure and I'm wondering if I should mention how I feel about this.



28-02-10, 14:20
Hello Mike

Yes, you definitely do need to see your GP about two things:

BP needs to be kept under control. It may be a symptom of your anxiety, in which case your anxiety will need to be treated as it's the root cause. Even if your BP is an issue, it's easily treated with medication.

It seems that fluoxetine isn't doing your depression/anxiety much good and in my opinion it isn't the best choice for GAD or PD anyway. See if you can be referred to a mental health specialist so your condition can be evaluated in more detail. Many GPs aren't very knowledgeable in mental health. A psychiatrist will be able to prescribe you medication based on their diagnosis.

Hope that helps and you feel better soon.

28-02-10, 17:38
Yes tell your gp about your panic and worry. I have had a mixture of depression and anxiety for years and have only realised in the last few that anxiety was my main problem. I am on antidepressants still but was also put on Buspirone which is for anxiety and they reduced my antidepressant. I think the Buspirone works better than just the antidepressant. I am also seeing a counsellor.