View Full Version : Dermatitis Herpetiformis

28-02-10, 14:40

is there anyone on here that suffers from this?

I came up with a rash on my inner arms and wrist about 7 weeks ago and went to see my GP who prescriped an antibiotic cream, it cleared up but came back twice as bad and more itchy.

I went back an saw another GP and as soon as he looked at it said it looked very much like Dermatitis Herpetiformis, so he took blood for it to be tested for Celiac disease.

I rang up for the results on Friday and they were negative, but i have read that you can get a negative result and still have a problem with gluten.

I have an appt to see my GP on Tuesday but would like to know if there is anyone that suffers with DH that has had a negative blood test for Celiac disease?

I am almost 55 and find it odd that this rash should come up now, although when i was a child i always had really bad stomach pains where i would roll around the floor in agony. My mother was forever taking me to the doctors but they never got to the bottom of it, in fact come the end i think my mother and doctor thought i was making in up:blush:

Thanks in advance


28-02-10, 14:50
Dear Trish,

This is a HUGE coincidence, because I think I have something similar aswell! xD Its on my Thumb, At first itchy, small fluid filled blisters, and within a day or two they dry up and leave a very dry eczema or rash. I read about this like 15 minutes ago, Made a reply to one of my earlier eczema posts, and now I read this.

I also get cold sores, which i belive is a form of herpes on the lips. But I read that Dermatitis Herpetiformis did not have anything to do with the virus.

My doctor thinks it is some form of allergy, because i've been having Eczema for the past month or two that just wont clear up. It might be latex Allergy, Because the eczema only covers my hands. And since I work in the kitchen I wear alot of those white latex gloves. I have to test it my taping a piece of the glove to my skin and see if I get eczema, Then I have to return.

But in my curiousity I started reading online for Dermatitis and stumbled into Dermatitis Herpeformis, The small fluid filled blisters remind me of cold sores so..I think it might be the same?

28-02-10, 15:00
the way you have discribed your rash is identical to mine. On my right hand wrist the rash is about 2" x 3" yet on my left arm i have it all the way up to my elbow crease.

I have taken off all the heads off the blisters with all the scratching i've done and it looks such a mess:blush:

I have been reading up on celiac diseaseand i can relate to many of the symptoms.

Trish x

28-02-10, 15:37
Well I doubt that is is Gluten for me, Since i eat bread & everything just fine. It could also just be Normal Dermantitis because it has the same symptons when it comes to the rash. for me it could also be Herpetic Whitlow, Which is caused by Contact to cold sores with the fingers. And it pretty much is the same as Coldsores, but on the fingers.

01-03-10, 08:32
Hrmsh, its surely spreading rapidly... First it was only my thumb, Then my other thumb and now there's 2 small blisters on my index finger...Hrmsh...

01-03-10, 09:45
My dad suffered with this rash n had a negative blood test for coeliacs. He was still having stomache pain so insisted on a camera to view his stomache. Diagnosos...coeliac disease!

03-03-10, 22:24
Went back to see GP yesterday, but my GP was away for the week, the GP i saw said that the neg blood test i had was a good one and that it was reassuring, although admitted my GP was the man to see as rashes & Dermo were his 'thing'

She also said that the water test i had done came back positive for thrush, even tho i have no symptoms apart from getting up during the night to go to the bathroom, which is a new thing to me, having said that i have suffered oral thrush for many years which the docs have always said was due to my inhalers...:shrug:

I have now read that thrush can also be a symptoms of CD...can anyone help here, it seems a hell of a long way till next week:huh:
