View Full Version : Anxiety around time of period/pms.

28-02-10, 16:37
Hi there,

Can any of you ladies tell me if you find your anxiety symptoms become worse at the time of or around your period? Yesterday I felt very anxious, more anxious then I have felt in the past few weeks. I drove downtown, had a panic attack and called my mom in tears. I was hysterical. She told me I should try to continue on with my day (driving downtown is my homework from the psychologist, I am agoraphobic.) I went on with my day and met up with a friend and when my mind was off of of my anxiety I felt totally normal.

I recently went off birth control (after being on them for 5-6 years) and I've noticed I've been having a lot of health related anxiety about my... parts. I've been convinced I have cervical cancer (I felt a lump), ovarian cancer, something just wasn't "right", I even went searching for a missing tampon that I knew wasn't there (my searching is probably what caused the lump.)

Could the change in hormones be making me wacky? (well, wackier.)

28-02-10, 16:42
I too have agraphobia, and the time of the month my anxiety is sky high, to the point i feel im going to die i feel so ill, hate the time of the month, i just bought some evening primrose oil so hoping thats going to help.
good luck
Ann x

28-02-10, 16:48
I dont have agrophobia, but I do get awful about a week before my period. Especially shaky, panicky, health anxious etc.

28-02-10, 17:46
my anxiety is worse round the time of my period too

28-02-10, 18:07
Yes, it is possible to be whakier around that time of month. I, too, have noticed changes in my anxiety levels then, too. It may start with light headedness or more palpitations and that's all I need to start back in overdrive. But, once "it" starts, and during it, the only thing that is keeping me prisoner to my anxiety is me because of the symptoms my hormones caused previously. I also become an insomniac, too, a week before which doesn't help with the symptoms either. I am going to talk to my doctor about it and find out what I can do to keep myself under better control during that horrid time.

28-02-10, 18:33
No, it's not just you....I definately feel worse before my period. Apparently women have depleated levels of a neurotrasmitter called serotonin, just before a period which can cause this....and because we are pretty anxious all the time...it just exaggerates it. I try and take starflower oil which helps. Also eating a well balanced meal, helps to top your serotonin levels up. Don't ever feel alone.....there is lots of us going through exactly the same things xx

28-02-10, 21:21
i too suffer the same around period time! my eyes go wobbly, i get really sensitized and i seemed to go a bit mad on the latest one, it brought back my panic attacks. the best advice i can give when its time of the month again is relax, rest and relax, it was the only thing that helped me, must b crazy hormones!

28-02-10, 21:48
I am so glad i hve read this post ...since i have come off paroxetine which i was on for 5 weeks only ...and been off them nearly 3 weeks now.... i had to come off them as they didnt agree with me and left me in a bad state of constant anxiety and constant adrenalin ..which i cant seem to control yet !!!i have noticed that ive been feeling worse this week an i know my period is due which would explain alot

28-02-10, 21:56
yep i have noticed the few days running up to my time of the month and the first few days of it - my anxiety/PA are worse.

Oh yeah and every month when my bad cramp comes - i repeat the same phrase monthly without fail "Oh to be a man!!!" LOL

Rachel W
01-03-10, 00:24
Yes, yes and yes. I have OCD and I always know when my period is coming as my anxiety gets so much worse in the week prior...

26-02-13, 14:58
im so happy that there are other people out there who feel worse round period time. I'm in the first stages of trying to figure out where my anxiety is coming from but i realised that i missed work 5 days a month ago because of extreme panic attacks and now a month later and i feel the exact same. I started taking citalopram a month ago but it doesnt seem to be helping much.

26-02-13, 18:26
Definitely, yes. Although my GP told me this wasn't likely, which didn't help!

26-02-13, 22:17
Gosh, yes! My period is due tomorrow and my anxiety is through the roof. I find it hard to be rational when I am due (more so even than usual) and I also conversely get worse PMT symptoms when my anxiety is bad. I am about to start natural progesterone cream to see if if helps with any of this.