View Full Version : Sorry for another thread/Need reassurance.

28-02-10, 17:07
As I've already mentioned a few times, I have fear for HIV. I finally got tested in a HIV clinic about 3 weeks ago and even though the results were negative, I'm afraid the nurse reused a needle or syringe and I got infected. I mean, it was an HIV clinic, so it makes it possible that the person that got tested right before me was positive? Does anyone know has anyone ever gotten infected like this (in a developed country)? Is anyone here a nurse and knows how soon after using a needle/syringe is it disposed? Is it possible she placed the needle/syringe on the table and forgot it was used and then used it on me?
What adds fuel to the fire is that right now I've had a fever for a few days which is a main acute HIV symptom. Also have a mild sore throat and some stiffness in my neck, which are symptoms also. I haven't been exposed to anyone who is sick and also I haven't gone out much, so it can't be a common cold (?)

28-02-10, 17:09
needles are never resused - there is no chance in hell you have HIV

28-02-10, 17:14
the mind is a very powerful thing...if you worry long enough about a disease and you know all of the symptoms, your body can produce these symptoms, NOT THE DISEASE, the symptoms (fever, sore throat, etc). your not making them up, what you're experiencing is real, however if you tested negative for HIV, i'm guessing that you're HIV-. this is 2010, medical professionals do not reuse needles, they don't reuse anything. ESPECIALLY in an HIV clinic, that is the place that is probably the most careful of any clinic type of environment, they are not going to put anyone at risk. also, when you're stressed out as much as it sounds like you are, your body is worn down and you can get a cold pretty fast. please try and have a little trust in the medical professionals who you went to for testing and try to have a little faith in those results. i'm sure you're fine and if you're terribly worried then go back for a repeat test and tell the nurse that you would like to see her/him take the testing needle out of the sanitized packaging. you're going to be fine.

28-02-10, 17:20
The needle is disposed of immediately into a sharps box. They will have a huge supply of needles and there would be no need to reuse a needle. Please try not to worry about this. I know when you are anxious it is difficult to reassure yourself, but nursing staff could not even contemplate on reusing a needle, especially in this day and age. One of my son's have just had the cold, with a stiff neck, which is obviously a virus at the moment. I'm sure this is what you have. It's difficult when you have such a fear, but please don't despair, it'll be nothing to worry about.

28-02-10, 17:55
Yes, I'm hoping it's simply a cold. All the people (online and irl) that I've talked to, have said that it is impossible that the nurse reused the needle. That's what I tell myself but then, few hours (or minutes) later the HIV thought comes to my head again. And the doubting starts again. And this happens over and over again.
Right now I'm really mad at myself for not paying attention to the procedure.

Also, can anxiety cause higher than normal body temperature? Because it seems like when I'm calm I have a low fever, but when I get nervous it gets higher.

Vanilla Sky
28-02-10, 18:00
Needles are never ever re used

28-02-10, 18:49
Thanks for all the replies, gives me some confidence, for some time.

28-02-10, 19:42
You have nothing to worry about....I went through the exact same thing about 10 years ago. The problem here isn't HIV (which you definately DO NOT have) ...it is your anxiety. Let's face it, once you have reassured yourself about this issue.....another one will pop right up which is just as pressing and urgent and life threatening. I know....I do the same thing. It's nothing to be ashamed of....it's how Health Anxiety works! You have to get help in the form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy....I did and I am in control (most of the time) of my Health anxiety and OCD. I really feel for you as I know exactly what you are going through. CBT will teach you that every time you give in to your anxiety i.e seek reassurance, check something on the internet, question your partner again and again.....it works for a while...then it just makes it worse. It is literally feeding the anxiety. You don't have to live in fear. Go to your Doctor and ask for CBT....please. You are strong, in control and able to live your life how you want to live it...free from worries and anxiety. Big hugs xxx

28-02-10, 19:49
You have nothing to worry about....I went through the exact same thing about 10 years ago. The problem here isn't HIV (which you definately DO NOT have) ...it is your anxiety. Let's face it, once you have reassured yourself about this issue.....another one will pop right up which is just as pressing and urgent and life threatening. I know....I do the same thing. It's nothing to be ashamed of....it's how Health Anxiety works! You have to get help in the form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy....I did and I am in control (most of the time) of my Health anxiety and OCD. I really feel for you as I know exactly what you are going through. CBT will teach you that every time you give in to your anxiety i.e seek reassurance, check something on the internet, question your partner again and again.....it works for a while...then it just makes it worse. It is literally feeding the anxiety. You don't have to live in fear. Go to your Doctor and ask for CBT....please. You are strong, in control and able to live your life how you want to live it...free from worries and anxiety. Big hugs xxx

Thank you for the support. I don't really know about the therapy you mentioned, but I'm seeing a psychologist next week for the second time. Besides the therapy, are there any medicine in the market that would help to deal with anxiety and these obsessive thoughts? Or do you have any experience with taking pills?

28-02-10, 20:07
In my opinion meds on their own just mask the problem....don't get me wrong they have their place but for me they didn't work. There is a really good book that helped me. Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Overcoming-Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder-David-Veale/dp/1841199362/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267387092&sr=8-2) by David Veale and Rob Willson (Paperback - 24 Feb 2005)
Do some research (not the reassurance seeking kind...lol) on CBT and ask your Psychologist about it. You can do it, and one day be free to enjoy your life. Post to let me know how you get on x

28-02-10, 20:18
In my opinion meds on their own just mask the problem....don't get me wrong they have their place but for me they didn't work. There is a really good book that helped me. Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Overcoming-Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder-David-Veale/dp/1841199362/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267387092&sr=8-2) by David Veale and Rob Willson (Paperback - 24 Feb 2005)
Do some research (not the reassurance seeking kind...lol) on CBT and ask your Psychologist about it. You can do it, and one day be free to enjoy your life. Post to let me know how you get on x
I will, thank you.

02-03-10, 08:33
Right now I'm having this episode, where I'm sure I was infected in a clinic. The fever has now persisted for 5 days already. Sometimes it goes away, but most of the time it's at least 37.2 degrees Celsius :weep: