View Full Version : Tired

28-02-10, 17:08
Just need a bit of advice.

For the past couple of days I have felt detached, I can't be bothered with family or anything else, It's like it's all too much bother and I kind of wish i could sleep becaues i feel so tired.

I don't feel anything emotions wise, just dead inside. I ahevn't got energy to talk to anyone or do anything coinstructive although I have tried.

Recently there have been a few things happening in my personal life, probably not that important in the great scheme of things and Im sure other people would cope better than I am.

I pride myself on my ability to keep it all together but Im tired of doing that, i don't want to deal with anything.

Practical part of my brain says all is ok, it will wear off very soon because that is what is supposed to happen, other part of the brain says sod it, why are you even bothering because as fast as you get over this, something else will come along and knock you down again.

I feel a bit like Im sinking into something or just pulling away from everyone and everything.

I guess I have to ride this out yet again?

Thanks in advance to anyone who cares enough to answer. x

28-02-10, 17:14
Hello Ladybird,
You sound so low. Sometimes things that are going on in our lifes just wear us down and make us feel exhausted. I felt like this recently. You will get through this, don't despair. Take care of yourself - even if you can't sleep try and laze about if you can and even watch tv. Have a nice hot bath. Be good to yourself until you get your strength back again. Keep in touch on here and you'll get lots of support. This is only a setback and you'll recover again. If it gets too bad then speak to your doctor, but I've a feeling that you'll get through this yourself with time and support.

28-02-10, 17:19

We all have those times where we feel like that.
Try not to let it drag you down and don’t under estimate the effect the things happening in your personal life will affect you, you may think they aren't but it will affect you on some level.
Have you tried talking things through with your partner or a good friend sometimes we just need a hug from someone either physically or emotionally.
Beast wishes

marc x

Vanilla Sky
28-02-10, 18:10
Hi Ladybird , I'm sorry you are feeling down. I agree with Myra , be nice to yourself for it will pass just like it always does. Meantime , try not to dwell to much and think to much about what is going on , just let it happen and go with it hun , Hugs and love to you:bighug1: Paige xx