View Full Version : what i have learnt about health anxiety

28-02-10, 17:19
I have come to the realisation as simple as it may seem that to beat health anxiety is not to be sure that you dont have the serious illness you fear you have or will have but to be able to function without being 100% sure but sure enough.

i think this is what 'normal' people do - they are able to tolerate the uncertainty but not freak out.

28-02-10, 17:25
Someone once told me Health Anxiety is

When the mind over exagerates the problem
And under estimates the ability to cope

Sort of helped me see what was going on in my head

28-02-10, 17:29
Very true, I just get a small nagging thought that I coul have something, and even though rationally I will agree the chances of it are remote, I think what if Im tht one odd case in a million e.g. just because its highly unlikely I think well tht doesnt mean impossible, and then I start to dwell on it. Reassurance from ppl does usually help me somewhat though, its almost like if more ppl tell me its unlikely the more and more remote the chances of it become to me.