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26-02-10, 23:55
Hi ,to cut along story short i was on paroxetine for 7 years ,which i weaned off in sept 09 due to pregnancy after the horrible widrawals which i got throu i realised i couldnt go throu with pregnancy as i could feel myself gettin ill again wid depression and anxiety etc so had a termination in dec ..afta trauma of all that i decided to go back on paroxetine which had really worked for me first time round but not this time i was on them for 5 weeks and oh my god how bad they were making me feel .felt like a zombie ,vomiting ,constant severe anxiety which now as left me scared to stay in my home on my own also constant adrenalin ,couldnt eat ,sleep ,urinating constant ,diahorea ,felt so poorly ,nightmares ,the doctor told me to wean off them but i didnt why would i wanted this drug out of my system i had been on them only 5 weeks i have never felt like this in all my life ,all because of this medication .ive been off them just over 2 weeks now and only feel a little better ,my independence as gone now im so upset on what this drug as done to me and i dont know why it hasnt worked this time round ,even my doctor cant understand???..now i feel so scared to try anotha anti depress incase this happens to me again.my doc as perscribed me beta blockers but im terrified now to take anything ever again .. as i trusted paroxetine and now ive gotta try and get myself over the symptoms its left me with. i was no where near as bad as i am now before i even started back on the medication thats whats upsetting as i took the tablets to help me not create more problems .

27-02-10, 04:36
Hi Maria,

Sorry you've had such a rough time with Paroxetine. I am on it for a second time- I took it the first time in 07' and it helped me loads. I weaned myself off of it after about 9 months with no withdrawal symptoms- thank gawd! The second time around they have helped again- I had severe anxiety when I first started again (same as first time around) and then again when my dosage was increased.
I know this drug gets a bad name- but it has worked for me. I wish it would have for you as well. I asked for Paroxetine as I was prescribed Effexor first- but read too much about it- scared myself too much to take it:blush:

We trust that the meds will work for us- but this drug isn't for you hun- I hope you can get over the fear to try another one if taking medication is what you want.

Good luck!

27-02-10, 22:23
Thk u ever so much for ur reply ..that was my 3rd time of taking paroxetine thats why i couldnt understand how it has'nt worked for me i tryed to take it for as long as i could which was 5 weeks ..i did ask my doctor if my hormones maybe have'nt settled down after my termination and he said that doesnt have anything to do with it ,i saw a cpn nurse on thursday gone and he said the tablets have just put the icing on the cake so to speak and that emotionally i have been throu alot (not just my termination .moved twice had marriage ,come off my paroxetine ,probs etc all since august 09 to jan )... i just cant figure out whats up with me half the time i cant explain it ..all i know is i didnt feel this bad before i took the paroxetine again.

27-02-10, 23:13
Hi Maria

I took Seroxat many years ago and it worked really well for me, just two weeks before i felt normal...Two years ago i felt i needed to go back on an AD and Doc prescribed Cipralex. Start up SAs were awful with Cip...and at the time i wished the doc had given me Serox. But i persisted with the Cip and started to feel normal after about five weeks. I weened of the Cip as i felt so well, but 8 weeks later fell into deep anx/depression. Doc knew i needed another AD and i explained that serox had worked well in the past, so onto serox i went. Well, it was nothing like the first time round, i'm four months in now, up to 40mg, and only beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. I truly believe that ADs become less effective second time around, and our best hope is to try a new one for each new bout of this illness. My doc now wants me on effexor or agomelatine, but i might stick with the serox as i'm improving now (4 months later). I think a new AD would be the way forward for you.

Sending you love and Hugs