View Full Version : Is this how it's always going to be??

28-02-10, 18:01
I'm so down, can't go out anywhere incase I have a panic attack and it's got to the stage where the phone comes with me around the house incase I need to dial 999. I live in a world of terror that I'm going to suffer a horrific suffocating end any second. I'm so scared x

28-02-10, 18:10
Sorry to hear you feel like this. Must be horrible. Are you on any meds?

28-02-10, 19:01
No, I'm always scared that the doctor is going to think I'm faking and wasting his time. I'm sorry for sounding so dramatic, I know every1 on this forum is struggling. Does anyone see the light at the end of the tunnel? Is this forever?x

28-02-10, 19:02
Don't ever feel alone...have you ever tried cognitive behavioural therapy CBT. It really helps. It teaches you how to deal with your anxiety and that you are not alone feeling so incapacitated by it. We all feel like that, the key is to learn to control it so it doesn't control you. It's not a cure....but it teaches you to not give in to reassurance seeking, to trust yourself...basically live your life. There are also a lot of good self help books too. Try browsing on amazon, and read reviews to see which one would help you. I use mine as a sort of safety blanket, and whenever I feel the panic creeping up, I reach for my book...it also stops me from driving my Husband crazy! xx

28-02-10, 19:20
Your Doctor should be supportive and help you get on the path to recovery....if they don't, then you need to find a new Doctor....it is never your fault and you should never be scared to ask for help...you are taking action and you should be proud! Of course there is light at the end of the tunnel (although sometimes it feels like there isn't). I have ocd and health anxiety and i have done for about 13 years. It is very hard but i live my life in a way i never thought possible. Have you got anyone you can confide in that you trust. You could take them to the Doctors with you for some moral support. There are plenty of other options to meds, but then again, they can help also. xx

28-02-10, 21:28
hi girly 2007 nothing is forever........book an appointment with the GP and see what they suggest