View Full Version : Throat worries.

28-02-10, 21:23
Hii All! Right im stressing. For over a year iv had a sore throat. Feels scratchy and sore to swallow. This has been constant on and off for over a year.. Im constantly grabbing my throat or moving it around, there is actually something inside my thraot that i can move side to side and kinda clicks when i do it.. Im so paranoid aswell about lumpy feelings within my thraot. When i touch it my throat has many lumps and bumps, but what scares me the most is this constant sore throat feeling. Doesnt stop me from talking or anything just hurts. Iv been to the doctors and he has looked at my throat and said theres a little redness but he doesnt think anything serious. I also had some bloods taken to check for glandular fever but came back clear. Of course throat cancer does cross my mind and im so scared. But alls i get from the doctor is anxciety Samantha and sent on my way. But having a sore throat for over a year cant be good right? Also a couple of months ago i had a constant cough with tiny specks of blood. I had a x ray which came back clear but could this have anything to do with my throat? Could the blood have been coming from my throat?

28-02-10, 21:59
Anybody? No? :(

28-02-10, 22:17

You are obviously fixated about your throat and I suspect that the constant touching and pressing of it has more to do with the soreness than anything else. I don't doubt that it started off as a sore throat a year ago but your over sensitivity about it has blown it way overboard.

You have been examined by the experts and they have said everything fine, so please try and leave it at that.

Constant coughs just by the nature of them can cause redness and slight specs of blood at times only becasue it irritates the throat. Nothing more sinister than that.

Please don't grab at your throat - no wonder it's sore

28-02-10, 22:23
Hi Sammie

Anxiety can cause no end of symptoms from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

You have had blood tests and xrays with negative results so thats good:) but to stop you worrying go to your gp and ask to be refered to an ENT specialist just so that you can hear it from the 'horse's mouth' then once they tell you that everything is ok i can almost promise you your symptoms will disappear!

