View Full Version : What are you Acid Reflux Symptoms?

28-02-10, 21:25
I am suffering from what the doctor thinks is acid reflux and I've been on rantitidine and omsoprozole for the last few weeks to no really improvement. I have noticed that lots of us seem to be suffering with reflux at the moment and it seems to give lots of different symptoms. I didn't know if it would be helpful if we told each other how we were suffering?

My symptoms are (in no particular order) Note - I do suffer with IBS too which I think is related somewhat...

Bad taste in mouth (though this is slightly better with the tablets).
Sore throat.
Knawing achy pain in centre of stomach and slightly to the left (just below sternum.
Burping a lot.
Pain in left shoulder, sometimes between shoulder blades.
Lump in throat, but can swallow ok.
Pain in back, directly behind where my stomach is.
Grumbling noises in stomach

Anyone else??

28-02-10, 21:32
When i have acid reflux i am:
Burping alot
Burning sensation all up my throat
bringing up frothy white spit and lots of it.

28-02-10, 21:47
asthma-like sypmtoms (spells of chest tightness/wheeze/short of breath etc)
upper/middle back pain
chest pain (heartburn)
cough (not very productive)
general discomfort (top of stomach/chest)
constantly swallowing a 'drip' similar to post-nasal drip
some trouble swallowing
excessive salivation

everything ive gathered states that reflux doesnt cause heart related symptoms so im nt sure if these could be attributed to reflux per se but ive also had,

heavy, hard heartbeat

AND other misc symptoms include,

sinus problems
woozy feelings
head pains

Had numerous ECG's, all fine. Wore a holter monitor...seeing a cardiologist on wednesday to get holter results and have more tests..just to play it safe and be sure tht its not my heart thats causing some of the symptoms.

01-03-10, 01:25
heavy, hard heartbeat

Yuppers....seems that the two are very linked. Have you seen the info on RLR's forum where he says this?

01-03-10, 11:11
Mondie, you could have wrote my own list of symptoms! I can barely eat with all my symptoms which are so far showing no signs of improvement.

I have bloating which is most 'upper' abdomen
Pain in throat and chest (was so bad last night I thought it was my heart)
Stomach pain
Pain in the centre of my back (no gallstones detected on ultrasound a year ago)
Excess belching

I sympathise with you and yes, you're right, there does seem to be a lot of us. I have taken zantac, ranitidine and gaviscon and today given omeprazole. I have been asked to have endoscopy but too frightened at the moment! Hoping these new drugs work!!


02-03-10, 11:23
My symptoms just aren't getting better, my IBS is playing up and I'm just fed up. Have just eaten my breakfast and despite taking my omsoprozole this morning I got instant indigestion and upper stomach bloating.

I know that I am stressed and anxious - I get married in just over 5 weeks. Do you think this is all stress related stomach issues or should I go back to the doctor to see if my fears are correct and it's something nasty?

*sigh* Got so much to do for the wedding, don't have time to worry about my stomach too...


Sammy J
02-03-10, 11:42
I have been suffering for 2 years with chronic acid reflux, upper stomach pain and spasms etc, have had countless tests and am on Nexium.

Two weeks ago I was sent for a test to see if I was lactose intolerant which did not show a high but the lactose solution I had to drink made me ill for 2 days (headache and nausea). This made me think maybe I am intolerant to something, so, I cut out all dairy 10 days ago. I have not had any heartburn or stomach pain since and am off the Nexium.

Last Friday I did not take my own food to work and the only thing I could buy was a pre-packed sandwich so I ate it thinking the small amount of butter would not matter. 6 hours later I could not walk with severe stomach pain. This tells me I am intolerant to dairy and thinking back over the last 2 years, the worst attacks I have had (some ending up in A&E with chest pains etc) have been several hours after, say ice cream or quiche.

This morning I saw my GP who says he would not be able to confirm the intolerance to dairy but if it's working stick with it until I see my consultant in May. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I've cracked it as reflux and pain has ruined my life for 2 years AND caused my panic attacks.


02-03-10, 12:04
i suffer with cromic acid reflux but have never been to my doctors about it its only wheni eat or sleep i get shap shooting pain thogh my heart and up my throat and i abliinding pain in my neck when it gets server i have no idea why just thort i was one of those things but maybe i should go to my doctor abour it

georga xx

02-03-10, 13:52
I am suffering from what the doctor thinks is acid reflux and I've been on rantitidine and omsoprozole for the last few weeks to no really improvement. I have noticed that lots of us seem to be suffering with reflux at the moment and it seems to give lots of different symptoms. I didn't know if it would be helpful if we told each other how we were suffering?

My symptoms are (in no particular order) Note - I do suffer with IBS too which I think is related somewhat...

Bad taste in mouth (though this is slightly better with the tablets).
Sore throat.
Knawing achy pain in centre of stomach and slightly to the left (just below sternum.
Burping a lot.
Pain in left shoulder, sometimes between shoulder blades.
Lump in throat, but can swallow ok.
Pain in back, directly behind where my stomach is.
Grumbling noises in stomach

Anyone else??

I'm suffering with it at the moment, yet again.
I've got...
Dull achy feeling just under ribs and in stomach at right side, stomach feels sore too inside.
Grumbling stomach.
Burning feeling in chest.
Sometimes get that awful sour liquid in my mouth first thing when I wake up

I've had the lump in throat feeling a couple of times too - the last time at Christmas and it lasted a few weeks. I'm on Omeprazole which seems to help but when I feel okay again I stop taking them for a while cos I'm not too sure whether they are good for you long term or not, my doctor hasn't said anything but just what I read on the internet. The first time I started with acid reflux I had that lump in my throat and my voice was hoarse and I convinced myself it was throat cancer.:blush: I had some blood tests and one for Helicobacter which tested positive so I had the triple antibiotic treatment and omeprazole. Don't know if it worked or not cos the doctor said they can't really test whether it's gone or not.:huh:

I bought a book from Amazon which is called Acid reflux for dummies which describes a lot about it but I haven't read it all yet, just bits of it.

02-03-10, 16:09
Hi I am new on here!

I have had pretty much all the symptoms that have been mentioned since suffering with reflux for about a year now. Sam what you said really struck me because I also think that the Reflux caused my anxiety and panic attacks this time around.

I had bad anxiety about 9 years ago, recently I started to suffer from bad reflux at which point I started to have panic attacks again and just have suffered with anxiety everyday.

I feel sure that the relflux problem caused me to have panic attacks again because I had the symptoms of reflux before I started to panic. omeprazole worked for me for a while but then I started to wake up at night with a racing heart and feel very weird all shakey and sickly, really horrible.

NeverRelaxed good luck for your appointment, please let us know how you get on.

16-11-15, 21:13
Hi guys I have acid reflux but suffer with annoyin pain under my sternum, almost feels like a lump or something on top of all the above?

17-11-15, 02:09
The only symptoms I get are the acid rising up my throat when I lie down, especially on my right side and sometimes I might burp some up. I get at least some acid reflux symptoms every day and have done for over a year. I keep menaong to bring it up to my doctor and I probably should. On my worst days with it I feel like everything sets it off, even water.

09-02-16, 22:13
I have just been told I have acid reflux.
Been suffering from anxiety for at least six months and developed a feeling of a lump or congestion in my throat.After seeing two GP's I have recently had a camera up my nose and down my throat, the consultant told me I have reflux.
My symptoms are a feeling of a lump in my throat and occasional fizzing feeling around where I feel the lump. I am on medication for a month and trying not to lie down after eating and also eating a bit less.

15-03-16, 00:35
I've had this a couple of times in the last year and a half and it's been the catalyst to most of my anxiety and really made me sensitive to everything. Its been an absolute nightmare. I have it right now and i'm severely bloated with chest pains, pains below my ribs just below my heart, stomach and back pains. It absolutely sucks. I know I have it because I ate pizza last night and i've been suffering all day. I sit in front of a computer for my job and I have been unconsciously slouching forward and putting pressure on my chest which is making it feel tight. I have also been belching non-stop. I've had 2 EKGs last year and another one a few weeks ago. I also went t a cardiologist for piece of mind and got an examination and a stress test. All the tests were normal. I should really watch what I eat!