View Full Version : wisdom teeth hurting/bleeding

28-02-10, 21:45

Firstly is it even norm for my wisdom teeth to be hurting now, they've been coming through for about 4 years now. That's ages!

They stopped hurting me about a year ago and then on friday they started hurting again.

Today the whole of my left jaw aches and I have a headache. There was some blood when I looked earlier on too.

What is making me worry is the stress of everything. I have to go into uni tomorrow for important meetings I can't miss I live an hour and a half from home so having to get a dentist would mean having to come home. can a doctor help with this at all or is it best to see a dentist?

Anyone had problems with their wisdom teeth before? I really don't want to have them out as I'm terrified of have to have my mouth numbed. I don't mind needles I just don't like injections where they put something inside you like dentists or a vaccination at school etc.

Thanks for any help.

28-02-10, 21:52
Your wisdom teeth have spouts of growth every few years so id say the bleeding and discomfort is beause they are growing some more. I only no this because when i got my wisdom teeth every year or so they would hurt and when i went to a dentist thats what he told me. Hope this helps xx

28-02-10, 22:17
My bottom wisdoms have been trying to break through for about 10 years, so know how you feel. This weekend, the skin on the gum has pulled back exposing it slightly more, causing some slight pain. Today it feels better (touch wood) so guessing that it just had another spout of trying to come through.

If it gets or is infected, you can probably get some antibiotics off the doc depending on how good your doc is. Some may send you off to see a dentist, but if you are in pain, they should sympathise.

All the best, hope it eases for you.

28-02-10, 22:26
Years and years mine have played up (once maybe twice a year?) I ended going to the doctor once because I couldn't get into the dentist (Pain was awful!) She gave me pain killers, dentist just keeps telling me one day we might take them out.......ouch!
Don't worry x

28-02-10, 22:57
thanks everyone.

How can you tell if it is infected? Stupid question I know ha. Is there any ways to stop it getting infected?


28-02-10, 23:32

one of my wisdom teeth has been coming through for a few years. sometimes it pains for few days and then it stops

i dont want it taken out, im to frightened of the dentist

mandie x

01-03-10, 08:52
I gargle with salt water if I feel it is too inflamed and red.

01-03-10, 09:53
Yeah wisdom teeth can be painful beggers, especially the lower ones.

A good mouthwash to use is Corsodyl- use this when then gum is inflammed/bleeding. Also make sure you gentley brush the area twice a day.

If you make an appointment with your dentist they should be able to see if the area is infected and treat you accordingly.

I hope you feel better soon x

02-03-10, 20:35
Thanks for the replies, I bought some corsydol, Never though of using that until you said so thank you.

Hopefully they stop hurting soon

02-03-10, 23:02
I had a very painfull bottom wisdom tooth for almost a year, i would reccomend you see a dentist as soon as you can as if you have an abcess a simple course of antibiotics will clear it up.
My one was knackered and i had to have it out at the hospital. I was SO scared and anxious about it, just petrified, (the last time i had a injection at the dentist my heart went crazy and i thought i was dying) i told that to the surgeon and they used an adreneline free one instead. I dont like the injections either but the relief from pain was welcome and the actual removal of my tooth was like 5 seconds!!!! I couldnt belive it!!! I actually walked out that room smiling!!! And 3 hours later i was eating a mcdonalds as i was starving as i hadnt eaten in 24 hours as i was scared of the procedure.
I hope you feel better soon! xx

09-03-10, 17:51
sorry to bump this.

they have kind of stopped hurting touch wood but now there is a big lump on my bottom left side where the wisdom tooth is.

Im going to make an appointment to see if i can get seen this week but does that sound bad?

I stupidly googled about my wisdom teeth and 'development of tumor growth' caught my eye. Could that really happen from wisdom teeth?


09-03-10, 20:48
I think you are worrying over nothing hun. The lump is likely to be due to gum inflammation, from the tooth pushing its way through the gum. At worst it may be a small abscess. Nevertheless you are doing the right thing getting an appointment. Its best to get these things checked out even if its just to put your mind at ease xx