View Full Version : Basket case today - not coping :(

01-03-10, 00:25
I feel like I am loosing the plot today, least I am at work which as some points is taking my mind off everything.

I honestly just feel like I could break down and cry at any moment. I have been doing fantastic, my HA felt like it was in control as my headaches had gone etc which made me feel so much better.

Yet now as the headaches have gone it is like my brain has fixated on another point of worry, my chest.
I am having a discomfort I think is the best word to use that is slightly achy at times that is felt mainly on my left side in my back, which I then also feel this around my left breast around the top of it. Sometime I feel this slight feeling on my right side but not as much. I don't know if this is because I am so focused on my left and looking out for this feeling all day long? Basically my fear is that this discomfort/feeling is something more serious and that I will just drop at any moment :(

When all my anx and panic started I had an ECG which said everything is fine which I do believe but I just don't understand these feelings I am having. I do have a sore neck and shoulder which I am having treatment for and is getting better, maybe that could be contributing to this feeling.

I am just so sick of being worried about thing, it is exhausting. This has now been going on about a week now which I was dealing quite well but as of today it has just intensified so much more, I have become a little shaky, my head is having shaky spells which are off putting but not scaring me cause I know what they are.

My parents have just left this morning for a 2 week trip overseas which means mum is not around (I do live out of home with my fiance but mum is around the corner) and I am also so scared of her not being around, I am scared that I am going to freak out.

Last but not least I am having a conselling session tonight with a new person, I have previously had 5 sessions with another person but have swapped places as it was getting too expensive and I just don't know where to start ...

So sorry this was a long one and thanks to whom ever had the patients to read through all of this.
I just feel really hopeless and lost today and I duno ....

01-03-10, 01:22
I hope the new counsellor is empathic. It is so very wearing I agree. Hope tomorrow is better