View Full Version : so fed up

07-01-06, 20:13
hi i feel i just cant cope with this constant state of panic .ive just foned my partner at work and asked him to come home.sure he must be fed up of me by now.i havent been out the door since xmas day except to the docs.i am so blooming scared all the time just keep worrying im going to drop dead.i hate all the symptoms live in fear every day from them.im trying to get through this without taking diazipan as ive had to take one last few nights and i no its not the answer.cant wait for my appointment to come through for cbt takes so long.i cant sit at peace just keep pacing around feeling so bad.i should be enjoying tonite as my mum has my 2yr old twins for weekend and im just ruining it.i am sorry for being so negative .sometimes the fear just grips me and i feel like im going to go mad.i want to be able to go out again even just to the bottom of my garden will do.i have tried so many times .im just so tired now.just want to be free of this.anyway sorry guys for being so negative again just having really bad night. take care love marcia

marcia lowe

07-01-06, 20:19
Hi molly

Dont apologise we all have good and bad days, we just have to hope the good days out wiegh the bad ones. Just take time out relax, think of the good things in life even if its only a flower. good thoughts are contagious, one leads to another then another and before you know it you are coping again. Hope you feell beetter soon


07-01-06, 21:40
Hi Molly sorry u feel so down and unwell, I have been there too many times and promise it will pass it always does. But like Keith says try not to keep telling yourself you cant do these things, the more u keep telling yourself them the more you believe it. I found after years of different things trying to keep busy usually beats it (slow but sure) Feeling guilty about things also don’t help in place of that tell yourself how good a wife and mother u are. The long dark winter nights don’t help always to dark and cold to do things we normally enjoy outdoors, that will get better soon to as the shortest day has now gone. And a big well done for not taking to many Vallium, and when you do need one to help you DON'T feel u have failed by taking it, there are meds for all kinds of illnesses so why not take one for your nerves when u feel you cant take anymore? Try to distract Molly and like Keith says just try and think of nice things. Hope u feel better soon. Vernon