View Full Version : HUGE setback

01-03-10, 08:47
I've been feeling SO much better lately. I started going back to school, getting good grades, socializing, and the like. I barely have thought of my anxiety in weeks.

Then yesterday I woke up in a panic and have been in a state since then. I'm jittery, can't sleep, my hearts racing, I'm having all those uncontrollable "this is forever. I'm going to die like this" thoughts. All I can think about is failing everything, and being in a panicked state forever.

I have a ton of exams this week, and then for spring break I booked a trip to Haiti to help with the relief effort there. I'm panicking so bad because I think I'm going to get there and just FREAK OUT and not be able to do anything. What should I do. I can't back out, I've already paid a ton of money to go and people are counting on me. How am I supposed to cope?

Any help/support would be REALLY appreciated. Thanks!

01-03-10, 09:43
Wow, you have a lot on your plate, its no wonder you feel like this. Im so impressed you are helping in Haiti, what a special person you are.Do you know any relaxation techniques? Also, focus on the most immediate thing at the moment, your exams. Forget Haiti til these are over, you've enough to think about. Hope this helps.xx

01-03-10, 09:48
Hey, sorry you are having a setback, and that is all this is!
You have overcome this monster once before so you can certainly over come it again, only this time you know what you are up against!!

You have exams coming up which we are all aware can be very tense situations so I am sure that once these are over with you will start to calm down again and continue with your recovery.

Haiti eh??? All i can say to that is....WELL DONE YOU!!!

Choosing to go there and help out , at your own expense is such a wonderful and selfless act. I think that once you get there, you wont have the time or inclination to be worrying about yourself. You will take one look at the devastation and tragedy and will be spurred into action, I am sure of it! You certainly dont sound like a person who will put your trouble ahead of people in crisis. Can you imagine what this will do for your self-esteem? It will give you such a boost to be helping people in need. On the other hand though, if you really do not feel that you can face this at the minute then it is no-ones place to judge you. People will understand and you wont be letting anyone down and I personally think that even considering going out there shows what a fantastic person you are.

Whatver you decide, do it for you! x

01-03-10, 23:21
Thanks you two!

I went to my therapist today, and she pretty much had the same advice-- just to do what I could on the exams and take those one at a time, and then focus my attention on Haiti. I'm convinced most of us on this site could be therapists (just not to ourselves, unfortunately =P).

I figured too, the worst that could happen is that I go to Haiti for a week and experience panic the whole time I'm there. And really, I'm sure most of us have had worse and survived. I've got to get out there, and do things with my life. Otherwise, the anxiety wins, right?

01-03-10, 23:58
First of all a fantastically huge well done for getting back to school and doing so well.

You have a lot going on with the build up of all your exams so you will be feeling abit anxious anyway.... but remember how well you are doing.. its a blip.

You are worrying about the what ifs...and we all know about them...but you won't fail you will get there and be kept so busy and when you see what you are so very capable of ...you won't have a single regret.

Try to calm focus on the positives I've certainly read them in your post tonight and just come back on line each time you have a blip to be reminded that YOU are DOING GREAT and YOU CAN ACHIEVE

hugs x