View Full Version : hangover feeling

01-03-10, 08:48
:hugs:goodmorning well t to a great party sat night .well i dont drink ever dont like it.but as t5he night wore on ,began to feel like i was fresh.. i drank bottled water.nose felt bungd up, ,head felt very ,,heavy ,just like being frash ,, ears ringing ,but no anxety wierd ,, nxt day felt like had hangover anyone explain this pleasexxxxxxx

01-03-10, 09:27
anyone there

01-03-10, 09:55
Maybe you have a cold coming? Blocked sinuses can cause these symptoms as well as anxiety x

01-03-10, 10:09
Hi Gypsy,

How are you feeling today? Was the room stuffy, loud music?
I can still get anxiety symptoms even when I don't feel anxious - which then makes me anxious! I have also had times when I feel I have a hangover when I haven't drunk any alcohol the night before which again I can't explain!
Hope you are feeling better today x

01-03-10, 13:12
Hi Gypsy,

How are you feeling today? Was the room stuffy, loud music?
I can still get anxiety symptoms even when I don't feel anxious - which then makes me anxious! I have also had times when I feel I have a hangover when I haven't drunk any alcohol the night before which again I can't explain!
Hope you are feeling better today xhi thank you for reply not bad today just all bunged up seeing doc for it thanks for nice mess:bighug1:

01-03-10, 18:01
been to docter i havevery bad sinus ,, put on steroid drops anyone had them for there nose

Vanilla Sky
01-03-10, 18:14
I have had a sinus infection and i'm on antibiotics and on top of that i went out on sat night had a few drinks and now i have a cold as well so i'm feeling pretty miserable . I've never had the steroid drops , i get bad sinuses from time to time , what like are they Gypsywoman, did they help any ? I hope you feel better soon Paige x

01-03-10, 18:24
Hi gypsy,
I dont drink and have only been tiddly in my teen years, Im now old enough to enjoy alcohol but choose not to, yet every time we have parties or go to them I always end up with hangover symptoms. High on life my mum always says! I think in my case its because I get myself into such a state of anxiety prior to the party and worry myself silly while its in full swing that I only begin to let my hair down so to speak when its almost over and perhaps the next days headache and feeling not too wonderful is just a reaction to the anxiety...if that makes any sense?!

01-03-10, 18:39
paige not took them yet but will let you know ,, i hope they do work carol that just how i felt thank you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-03-10, 21:57
Glad you have got it sorted....I am sure they will start to make you feel better.

andrea thompson
01-03-10, 22:18
hi hon

i have been feeling terrible for two weeks... started in chest and the dr said respiratory infection then i went ack to dr cos it moved to my head... got antibiotics cos now got sinus infection... been feeling really weak and tired and anxious... arghhhh.. the sr was going to give me steriod drops but then gave me antibiotics instead... i started them today... i hope they work...

take care

andrea x x