View Full Version : One for the ladies please

01-03-10, 09:00
Hi, for the last 3 weeks or so. My left breast has been very itchy, no rash or marks present and it is not constant but it does get really itchy. I have checked for any lumps or differences but can not see any.

Yesterday it was driving me mad so I Dr Googled....big mistake. Why do I do it.

Now I think I should make an appt with the dr....again :-(

01-03-10, 09:17
Well any new symptoms are worth checking out is what I say!
I should also say 'DO NOT GOOGLE' but then i would be the pot and you would be the kettle so i should practice what i preach really!!

Try not worry about this. I have had it many times before in my life and put it down to hormonal changes.

01-03-10, 17:24
Thanks for the reply. I have an appt on Wednesday afternoon.

01-03-10, 17:34
Good luck! It will probably be nothing - itchiness can sometimes be psychological and not physical. So if I talk about itchiness enough, even the word itchy will make you want to itch. Are you scratching yet? I feel itchy myself now...

But it's always good to be on the safe side :)

01-03-10, 17:39
Do your best not to Google, but I know how hard that can be (I'm fighting that urge right now!). I've never had that happen before, but I know my mom has. She had this around her nipple a couple years ago, and they did a mammogram and ultrasound, which both came back normal. I was actually talking to her this morning because of a breast issue I'm having right now, and she's got the itching again, but isn't too concerned. I'd just watch it, but bet it's nothing. Have you changed detergents or have a new bra, or anything like that?

01-03-10, 19:02
Its weird it is not itchy now but if I think about it, it does itch....lol. It is only my left breast and no where else on my body. It is not near the nipple area more the top and side of my breast.

03-03-10, 21:14
Went to the docs today, she seemed to think it is nothing to worry about but just said keep an eye on it (so fingers crossed)

03-03-10, 21:23
I have had this often in the past on my nipple, and it's been nothing to worry about.

03-03-10, 21:51
Hi Thanks for the reply. I wish I had not googled in the first place but I am glad I went to the docs to double check. The doctor was brilliant and went through the list that they use to do referrals and we even talked about my concerns of IBC and she put my mind at rest. Even though it is itchy now, I am trying to relax as I know it will go away soon.