View Full Version : Agoraphobia & GAD

01-03-10, 12:37
Here is my story more or less.
I'm pretty much a by-the-book Agoraphobic and suffer from General Anxiety Disorder. I had my first panic attack during a high stressed time in my life about 4 years ago when I was just turning 21 (I was moving cross country for the first time, and was getting my wisdom teeth pulled out) . At first, I wasn't really effected, but after a while, I just couldn't get that fearful moment out of my head and began to have anxiety attacks every now and then until one day it took me to the emergency room and the dr. told me I had had an anxiety attack & was in perfect health. After that, I guess I ended up avoiding lots of things and taking some time off and working from home which felt better and safer. I didn't really realize that this was actually making things worse. I was 21 and had quit my waitress job as I moved to a new city to be with my boyfriend, the love of my life, who I'm still with today. By 22, I was still able to go out and was even going back to school and working and going out every now and then, but mainly I stayed home, as that's where my friends were. Between 21 and 22 I had gotten burned by some very close friends (one screamed at me that they didn't care about me at a time I was looking to chat when I was sad, two roomates stole about $2000 to buy drugs and disappeared with surprisingly hateful feelings towards me, an acquaintance stole my car and I was never able to get in touch with her again, boyfriend decided not to move cross country with me so I could finish school after promising he would, and other hateful things out of the blue from people). I ended up not going cross country at the moment. I used to trust people very easily, but after all those things, I've recently realized that I really don't trust people anymore. At 23, things were getting a little worse. I was going out less, quit my job & worked from home, and was becoming a very irritable person. I stopped everything and moved to NYC for a month on my own, subletting from people I didn't know while interning & working. I actually did really really well in NY. Although I had a few anxiety attacks, I ended up for the most part, getting it together and enjoying myself and dealing with things and making new friends. I was very happy but still had the GAD symptoms.
A few months later, my boyfriend and I moved cross country to California and am still here. But I feel like things have gotten worse. In the beginning, it wasn't that bad, as exploring the new city was still interesting. However, I still haven't even walked around downtown or been to any major sites as I would start to get anxious and panicky. I worked a little here and there and was okay, but still in agony. I tried going to school, but couldn't deal with the anticipation. About a year ago, I just couldn't handle the meetings and interviews anymore at work. So I quit my job and have continued working from home.
The funny thing is, is despite all of this, I'm still very happy with my life. It's very comfortable, I have a loving boyfriend, a few good friends, love bike riding, and am my own boss working from home in a creative environment.
Lately I've been researching a ton but am terrified to go out and get help. I understand that the best things to do would be a combination of CBT, Acceptance, demanding more, Exercise, Eating Right, Meditating, rooting myself, hypnotherapy, and medication. And I have been doing most of those exercises and I feel in a good place as far as digesting information, but I want to start medication & therapy, but again, just cannot leave the house.
I had a bad panic attack the beginning of 2010 and have been locked in my house ever since not seeing many or any people. Although, I have been productive with the exercises, reading, research, have a creative outlet, and supportive boyfriend.
Sorry about the long post, I just figured I'd put everything there. The only other important factor might be that my mom got married when I was 18 to a guy I just get a horrible feeling from. We just don't like eachother at all and I don't trust him. I'm an only child and I guess I was also a little peeved as my step dad had died only 2 years prior & I felt it was a little fast for my mom to get married to someone she admittedly said she didn't love. I'm accepting it a little better now, but we still don't talk, as I moved out as soon as he moved in. I am very close with my mom still though. I tried telling her my feelings at the time but it didn't really get through. Although we talk often, we don't talk about her husband.
Currently, even though barricaded, I can walk around the block at night, but can't go to the store, restaurants, parties, friends house, etc. my heart just drops in social situations.
Okay, so that's about it. I'm thinking about going on medication. From my research, I'm thinking the best thing would be lexapro (ssri) with a comibnation of cbt and other exercises.
I did buy the panic away program and think that's been the best bit of information and treatment I've read thus far. And this forum is also one of the best things I've found through all the research.
Let me know your thoughts.

01-03-10, 12:41
Hi pjb

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-03-10, 13:25
Hi pjb

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

Veronica H
01-03-10, 15:01
:welcome:PJB. You will find comfort and support here.
