View Full Version : anxiety

01-03-10, 12:43
i have anxiety and its in the pit of my stomach all the time sometimes i also get where it feels my body is burning inside but i know its my mind i find it very hard to think of something to take my mind off it and then i start tensing my stomach up and it feels weird then i get sense of fear like im gonna lose control i really hate this feeling sometimes it only lasts 10 minutes others it can last all day til i go to bed then starts soon as i wake up i dont like getting the sense of fear cause it feels like i want to do things really fast i dont get racy heart though sometimes i feel i want to cry as i feel very agitated anyone go through what i am going through also it makes me swallow alot and keep clearing my throat:unsure:

01-03-10, 12:59
That sounds very normal for an anxiety sufferer! Have you seen a doctor? Do you take any medication?

01-03-10, 13:00
no medication at the moment trying to manage without tablets has i have fear of side effects from tablets aswell

01-03-10, 13:04
Ok, well I have taken tablets for quite a few years and I have to say if you can get through the first week of taking them, they do help. However I understand your fear of taking them, have you tried some Rescue Remedy? Or maybe listening to some relaxing music? I know this all seems a bit silly when you are so panicky but you need to try something to relax you, to help the anxiety pass.

Vanilla Sky
01-03-10, 13:05
I feel for you Angie , it's so hard to understand what happens to us physically with anxiety and also hard to believe that it is all anxiety. Try and relax a wee bit more , I know thats not easy , listen to some music that you enjoy , go for a brisk walk, just do something to take your mind of it because that is a big part of it , our minds ! We constantly think about what is going on and analyse it ( usually negetive )
Go into the chatroom when your feeling like this , it helps to talk about it :) Paige x

01-03-10, 14:00
thankyou so much paige and everyone else for replying i feel abit better now :)

01-03-10, 16:13
Angie don't worry we're pretty much all in the same boat. See my thread also in this section.

I feel like I'm going mad most of the time, I get that random sense of fear and panic come over me also for no apparant reason. You are an extreme anxiety sufferer like me but don't worry it can't hurt you! Just remember that!

margaret jones
01-03-10, 17:05
Angie hope you are feeling better this HA is a rotter i have it really bad some days and my anxiety is sky high , then i try and think ewell i came thriough the last panic attack so i will come through this ( i hope )

Take Care xxxxx

01-03-10, 21:21
its funny cause if i feel light headed and dizzy etc....i can brush it off but this anxiety i cant nor the fear as u can feel it bad in the stomach