View Full Version : Scared to lose weight

01-03-10, 13:15
In case people think I have a major illness and I will look pale and gaunt.

ANyone else like this at all ?

I am an embarassment.

Veronica H
01-03-10, 15:04
:bighug1:I'm afraid we need a bit more information to answer this one. Why are you thinking of losing weight?


01-03-10, 17:41
Up until I was about 18 I was 5ft 9 (still am this lol) and couldn't put any weight on at all, weighed 8st and a half and was a side effect 8 (that was baggy though and would probably have been a size 6 but that didn't exsist 12 years ago).

I'm now 29 (turn 30 mext month) and a size 12. I am currently on a diet as I want to lose a bit of weight for summer and would love to be a size 10.

If you are sensible with your weight loss and do it safely then you won't look gaunt and pale. You should aim to eat 1200 to 1500 calories a day which will help you lose 1-2lbs a week. Make sure you eat plenty of fruit and veg and up your exercise a bit.

As long as you aren't obsessive about everything you put in your mouth and eat healthy rather than a so called diet then you will be fine

01-03-10, 18:58
You will only look pale and gaunt if the weight loss is too much too soon and you don't eat a healthy diet.

I have never known anyone that was overweight to lose it and look worse to be honest.

01-03-10, 20:36
Just eat a healthy diet matey,,,

Loosing weight can be caused by alot of things