View Full Version : Need reassurance/or not re palps again

01-03-10, 18:18
So...I have had ECG only. Everyone else seems to have had an echo done. I get palps sometimes all the time all day long. At night I get the occasional one but they seem not to disturb my sleep unless I am anxious about them.

Now I am really feeling scared because sometimes I get fluttery ones and sometimes they make me feel dizzy. A friend said ECG would not show if these were due to something serious and now I am really frightened because she said Oh if they make you dizzy it could be something ?F and you could die.

Well now I feel really scared - so would the ECG have shown something more serious, anyone know?

01-03-10, 19:03

01-03-10, 19:21

What a lovely friend you have lol only joking. I went through this for a year and my husband did. I had lots of ecg's and holter monitors they do pick up an awful lot of abnormalities hun you did the right thing by having an ecg, a cardiologist said that worrying about palps and flutters can keep the whole cycle going. anxiety can make you dizzy and with me when you get a miss beat flutter etc you panic which makes you dizzy. have a look at a post I sent recently by claire weekes and palpitations it helped me I hardly feel any now.

Keep your chin up matey xx

01-03-10, 20:49
hannybun - thank you for your reply.

I do know someone who had these and now does not, or at least only occasionally. She was very helpful and has had all the tests...ECG, 24 hr monitor and echo. She was great to talk to and then when I told this other friend she said: well she had all the tests and you haven't. Then talked about another condition that would cause sudden adult death and said maybe I had that.

You can imagine what that did to me.

PS: I am in the middle of the Claire Weeks book, also have the DVD

01-03-10, 21:18
Oh hun

They will give an echo when an abnormality is found on ecg, my mum has a leaking heart valve that was spotted straight away on ecg and sad syndrome is found on ecg promise :) I'm sure your friend is lovely but this is only making your anxiety worse.

If you still worry all the time do back to the doctors and ask for more tests as it will only help with your peace of mind but i'm sooo sure you are ok xxxx

I'm here lots if you ever want reasurance xx

01-03-10, 23:51
Your problem sounds similar to mine.

I've had pvcs for 9 years now. One morning 9 yrs ago after a night on the razz my heart was skipping beats every 5 or 6 normal ones. This was the first time ANYTHING strange happened to my heart so naturally I ended up in A and E. They discharged me after a few hours with benign ventricular ectopics and a few hours later they stopped.

Then I started to notice the odd one every now and again. Once a day. Then twice a day. Then 5 a day. Then 10, then 20. As the years went on the frequency increased. I started to get few second runs of rapid skipping beats which gave me a headrush. I went a whole week having thousands each day. There has been 2 days in the past 9 years when I haven't noticed any palps.

I have had echo x2, holter x3, ECG x10, stress test x2 - all normal except for palps which is what yours will be too.

Last nurse I saw said 500 per day was still considered within normal limits.

I have had a couple of instances of what I believe to be AF, but both stopped after about 20 mins so I didn't have time to get that checked out.

I go through real ups and downs with these things, but I think the key is to accept that they will happen, it's just something you have to deal with like people have to deal with cancer or diabetes. The good news is that your condition is considered completely benign, whereas others aren't so lucky.

Best to just live your life the best you can but accept that you will probably have these for life. That's what I've concluded anyway.

02-03-10, 09:23
hi skippy, what meds are you on? ive been on the palps section explaining my anxieties about a sudden quick heart beat that only lasted a short time and missed beat concerns but no advice seems available on how to deal with these things.

02-03-10, 10:43
No meds at all.

Tried propanolol once but it gave me a bad attack of breathlessness so I stopped it

02-03-10, 11:10
how do you deal with these things when your in social situations or when they wake you in the night, what is your strategy?

02-03-10, 13:22
Kestral, I haven't developed a strategy, and so consequently am becoming more and more reclusive.

The general message is learn to live with them. I do try and can live with the odd thump against the chest wall. But those long fluttery ones fill me with dread, especially as I was in public and almost blacked out with them.

For me, unless I get these under control, my life is not life any more.

I do know a person who had them badly when stressed but now only occasionally. I dont thnk she has the fluttery ones though

02-03-10, 15:38
What are the fluttery one's....anyone know?

02-03-10, 15:55
i had a fluttery one yesterday and made the mistake of holding my pulse which was all over the place, before it settled back to normal.its happened before and i was told by my gp thats not a problem and not to worry, but thats easier said then done. ive had a couple of 24hr tests and it showed things he says are nothing to worry about. missed beats, flutters and checking my pulse all the time is not a good area to be as it causes a lot of unhappiness.

02-03-10, 18:24
As far as i know an ECG can detect a heart attack, even if you had a mild one and didn't know it..they can pick all sorts of problems up so i wouldn't worry if the doc thought you needed a n echo he's had given you one...I suffer from palps and they scare the crap out of me but they are worse when i think about them alot.. x x

05-04-10, 19:37
I just hate the fluttery ones, they take my breath away and I get so dizzy for a few moments afterward. The thumpy ones are bad enough...but oh boy those flutters,

06-04-10, 00:21
I had a friend who told me maybe I have svt and it's hard to pick up on ecgs...me being me freaked, I have awful heart palps and the fluttery ones and have had every test under the sun for the current ones, I had an echo last yr b4 the palps started for chest pain so have just had blood tests n ECG, holter monitor to see what's going on, ecgs are meant to pick up the abnormalities and if u have the slightest thing wrong they send u for an echo I had sinus tachycardia last yr hence the echo but in my case it's normal, and many ppl have it without knowing it very harmless. Now I trusted the drs and the tests I'd been given in my diagnosis rather than the musings of my friend, good luck and feel better soon