View Full Version : Is this just a blip?

01-03-10, 18:42

I have already asked this on another thread however wanted to know if anyone else may have experienced what I am at the moment.

I am on week 8 of Citalopram 20mg, and despite increased anxiety for a while (I can cope with that side of it) I seemed to be almost back to normal with regards to depression. However the last couple of days I seemed to have gone backwards and am now feeling low again - maybe not quite as bad as before but am worried that the medication has now stopped working.

Has anybody else experienced blips with this med and will it just pass given a week or two? As I said - I can cope with the anxiety side of things but the depression is horrible!


01-03-10, 19:38
You need to go back and discuss this over with your GP as I know when I was takin meds I had to go back to see my GP every month to give him feedback on how i was getting on. My partner is on cit for anxiety and my dad is taking it for depression and they both find that if they miss a dose or do not take it at the same time every day they seem to feel the effects wearing off really quickly. Is it possible that this as happened to you?? Also, my partner found that by week 8 of taking these meds they werent working as effectively so he had to go up to 40mg. All these things need looking at.

Good luck x

01-03-10, 20:02
I have had all my follow ups and was doing really well up until a few days ago. Although think I have been slightly better today again but not 'normal'. Maybe I'm just being hasty with them as when I look back at some previous post from xmas time I am no where near as bad as then!

But I will definately go back this week if I don't improve. Maybe my dose does need to be increased. I generally tend to take my tablets between 6:30 and 7pm, apart from the a few weeks ago when I caught the norovirus and had to pick a moment when I didn't have my head in a bucket to take them!!:roflmao:

02-03-10, 10:47
my Doctor's told me to expect bad days and bad low days, ive been on the cit 4 months now and got put from 20mg to 40mg when i just couldnt bring myself out of my low for weeks on end, now im on 40mg i still low the odd low couple of days but apparently this is normal and expected, the pills cant keep you happy and anxious free every day of the week but they are slowly working for me with less and less low days.

02-03-10, 19:41
Yeah I think I am maybe working myself up over it which is making it worse! I tend to over analyze things and it's almost as if I'm testing myself! Will give it until Friday and see how it goes!:unsure: