View Full Version : scared of going back to uni

07-01-06, 21:54
hi urm, any advice.
i was supposed to be doing a shift at the pub tonight, and i have been sent home after a panic attack. i know what caused it, i was talking someone about moving back to oxford tomorrow. i just felt loads of pressure come over me and whoosh an attack!!!
yes i am worried about going back to oxford but i thought i would put it to the back of my mind. i don't like it there, i'm not settled and i don't like it.
any advice on how i should cope

08-01-06, 10:04
Hi Superfran

Haven’t really got any advice soz, but just wanted to say I feel for you – I have to go for an interview on wedneday which involves a two hour train journey each way (I get panicky on trains too) and then the dreaded interview itself… I’m trying soooo hard not to get worked up about it, but feel like I’m swimming against the tide somewhat… ummmm advice… well all I can say is I’m going to try and have a really relaxing evening the night before and take rescue remedy with me! Pretty rubbish advice I know – wish I knew how to help more.

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

08-01-06, 12:30

I know this isnt going to be a help in the short term but is there another uni you can do your degree at?

Is it just oxford that gives you the hebegebes.. ( not spelt right but you know me!!!!) or is it the actual course that you are doing? Are you doing it for you or to please someone else?

What is it you dont like??

You are a very resourceful young woman and even through the very short time I have chatted with you... its more than evident that you can get on top of this...



08-01-06, 12:57
hi Fran,

Think about what it is at Oxford that makes you feel the way you do as that's what you need to try to change. I'm at uni as well and I know that it can be very difficult whilst having panic attacks/anxiety as well..

I'm here if you need to chat..

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

08-01-06, 18:40
in all honesty i'm loney here. i haven't really made any friends as everyone seems so busy.
i just don't like the vibe i suppose.
i have a box room in my house and my mum thinks it is because of the small room, but i'm not sure.
just don't feel settled here.
( i cried all the way here like a big baby!)
i can't transfer to another uni as its a specialised course. plus i'm lucky just to have even got here.
i love the town of oxford itself.
i just feel very sad here.
stupid eh!!

08-01-06, 19:07
Hi – no not stupid at all… if you are lonely then you’re lonely; it’s completely natural and there’s nothing to be ashamed of – we’re social creatures after all!

I also went back to uni slightly older than everyone else (I read your profile; assume its right – but if not pls ignore next paragraph! :) and it’s really hard for anyone, mainly I found because naturally most people there are fresh from home and dying to see how much they can drink/go clubbing/gossip and I wasn’t really into any of that as I’d already done it! I have to be honest it was lonely and I, like you, had some realy down times and thought about leaving… but I didn’t and the feeling of achievement when I finally completed it was second to none – so you see you have to stick at it just so you can know what it feels like to feel that proud of yourself!

I know it’s not quite the same, but there’s always gonna be people on here to chat to… and maybe you could sign up to some sort of social club or get a part time job if you felt you were up to it?

Hang in there chook, I’m sure you’ll ease back into it and start to feel a little better – I never did actually *enjoy* it as such, but I did make it through – even if I did have to run out of a couple of lectures along the way ;)

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.