View Full Version : Just joined

01-03-10, 21:25

Last Summer I developed agrophobia, it became crippling (and expensive), where I was getting taxis home from work half the week. I've managed to get it largely under control but still have problems with public transport (platforms in particular), bridges, vertigo, generally getting from A to B. I've also focussed a lot of anxiety into dogs and re-ignited an old childhood phobia - not helpful as there are a lot of dogs where I live.

I tried psychoanalytic psychotherapy which helped with general confidence and related depression (bit chicken and egg - I'm not sure which came first the anxiety or the depression but they seem to like to help each other along).

Had an insane journey home that included hanging out in the corner shop looking suspicious for about 15 minutes then taking a detour bus journey of 20 minutes to cover a 5 minute walk home - all to avoid a girl walking her dog off it's lead - would just like to make it home in a straight line!

01-03-10, 21:26
Hi ElleP

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-03-10, 08:44
hi and:welcome:to you and to the web site .nmp.


Vanilla Sky
02-03-10, 09:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x