View Full Version : Citalopram is working for me!

01-03-10, 21:58
Hi all,

I'm new here. I've had depression/anxiety issues since childhood. Sometimes I've felt on top of the world, sometimes I haven't been able to get out of bed for days. I believe there is a personality/biological reason for my depression, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.

After a really bad few months at the end of last year, I decided to go to my GP for medication. I took a low dose of Prozac several years ago, and while it did seem to work eventually, it made me feel a bit disconnected and hyper, so I gave it up after a few months. My depression was in no way cured. So this time I declined it and asked for "something else" and was offered Citalopram at 20mg per day. I started taking it that day. I've been taking it for 7 weeks now.

I had side effects: dry mouth, nausea and loss of appetite. My libido/ability was reduced. It made me feel more anxious! These lasted for several weeks and the depression did not seem to be getting any better. I had done my research, so I knew the score, but even so I considered stopping the Cit as it wasn't working - or so I thought.

I am so glad I kept taking it.

Some time between week 5 and 6 the side-effects declined and then disappeared completely (actually, I seem to yawn quite a lot for the first hour after taking it, even though I don't feel tired - but that's all). My mood has improved greatly. My anxiety has receded dramatically. My motivation has returned. My desire to lie in bed, hide from the world (and honestly, just die) has ended. I want to sleep less - between 7 and 8 hours a night. When I wake in the morning I feel rested and ready to go. I'm much more alert throughout the day and my concentration is much better. I'm looking forward to the future. At times I feel mildly euphoric, which is great.

Now, my mood can cycle a bit. So this could just be part of that cycle. But I don't think so. The change has been so dramatic that I have to say that the Citalopram is responsible.

At this time I can say that I do not feel depressed, or anxious.

My only worry now is - can this last? I'm not "anxious" about it (not obsessing), but I want this mental state to last. I always want to feel like this. I'm ready for some set-backs and one of the reasons I'm writing this is to remind me how good I felt right NOW and that it is possible to get back to this state again.

So - my message to you dear reader is this: sometimes the drugs do work. Citalopram may do for you what it is in the process of doing to me. I really hope it does. As described elsewhere on this site in PsychoPoet's post you need to give it several weeks to act. It may not be for you - different SSRIs seem to affect different people sometimes in very different ways. If it doesn't work for you (at any dosage) then there may be another SSRI out there that suits you much better.

Anti-depressants and SSRIs have had a bad press in the last few years, but from my own experience so far I am so very glad that I decided to take this drug. Gotta go to bed now - another day tomorrow - great!

(not that Tiger, but hey, maybe he could use some Citalopram now too!)

andrea thompson
01-03-10, 22:11
well done hon!!!!
its good to hear a success story... i am on citalopram and have just increased my dose today... i hope i start to feel better soon... but you have just reminded me that there is light at the end of the tunnel... ( i have beat it once and it returned after a personal trauma)... but thankyou for reminding us all that we can get through this..... x x

01-03-10, 22:40
Long may it continue Tiger ! x


Lion King
12-03-10, 22:09
Well Done!

12-03-10, 23:14
i have been on mine 5 months now was agrophobic never left the house without my husband plus dosed up on 20mg valium befor getting out the door at least 4 pa a day depressed anger probs now i go out on my own no anger problems no dp or panic attacks these tabs have saved me im back to how i was befor this all started im so happy

12-03-10, 23:17
Hi Tiger and burberrygirl72,

Well done both of you.


16-03-10, 22:31
Thanks to you all for your messages of support.

It still seems to be working. Generally feel so much more relaxed and calm about everything. Can just think without negative emotions/habits getting in the way.

I have had a bit of insomnia the last couple of weeks. No problems getting to sleep at night, but waking early at about 4 and not being able to get back to sleep. Problem seems to be helped by just going to bed a bit later and taking a little diphenhydramine. When I wake now about 6 I'm ready to go - no heavy mood dragging me back under the duvet. That is just amazing and I'll suffer a little lack of sleep in exchange for the dramatically improved mood.

Good luck to you all on your own journeys!

17-03-10, 11:08
I haven't been on here for a few months but just wanted to say 'keep going' it really does work. I have been on Citalopram for nearly a year now (20mg) and had all the side effects you talk about. It probably took a good 5 months before I was in a good place however, saying that, you will notice the improvements along the way. There will be an odd 'blip' where you don't feel so good but that happens to everyone even if you don't suffer from anxiety or depression. This website really was wonderful in the darker days and all the reassurances you receive really do make a difference. Good luck on your journey.


17-03-10, 11:33
It's always good to hear a success story. :)

I have always been one of the anti-meds brigade (only for me personally, not for anyone else) and have recently started on Citalopram, one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

I take a lot of comfort from the posts here which are generally reassuring and also because I see that a certain amount of side effects are quite common so I am kind of prepared..not looking for any though!

I too have had the heightened anxiety which I'm trying to just go along with and the sleep issues..well. I am also doing the 4pm wake up and can't get back to sleep.

The one thing that does concern me though is that I never anticipated being on medication for more than a couple of months but it seems like the norm is to be on them for a significant period of time.

I really don't like the idea of it but is there a danger of significant relapse if the tablets are stopped?

17-03-10, 13:10
Hi Ladybird

I was the same as you - didn't even like taking headache tablets! Now my attitude is that if this gives me quality of life then let's do it. I still have the sleep issues. I drop off straight away but always seem to wake up about 4 am.

It seems the minimum amount of time is 6 months and once you have felt well for several months the GP will look at taking you off.

I think the onset of Spring is also helping!

Good luck


18-03-10, 23:00
I used to be anti-meds also. I don't really know why. But going from how I felt at the end of last year to how I feel now - well, I am very pro medication.

I know people say that medication treats the symptoms and not the causes - and for many I'm sure that is true. I'm not so sure about me though. Really nothing in my life has changed, except my way of looking at the world and of dealing with it. But I feel very, very differently about life. So I suspect a biological cause in my case.

Depression can be life-threatening. If someone said you had a life-threatening condition, I'm pretty sure you would take the tablet that could prevent it. The benefits I seem to be getting from Citalopram far exceed the inconvenience of the few side effects I've had.

To get a better night's sleep I would suggest the following:

1. Don't eat too late - only eat a light meal in the evening and always a couple of hours before bedtime.
2. Try to stay up a bit later. I feel tired earlier, but I make myself stay up until 11. I seem to be sleeping through to the alarm now.
3. Keep the room cool. I like the window open a bit. The fresh air seems to make me wake feeling more refreshed.
4. If you wake up really early and can't get back to sleep, get up. Go and make yourself some hot milk, bring it back to bed and read for half an hour (something light). You're much more likely to start to feel drowsy again.
5. Absolutely no caffeine in the evenings. Personally I like peppermint tea - especially after a meal. Very calming and good for digestion.
6. Exercise. Not too late in the evenings though or you will feel too energised. At least 30 minutes of reasonably vigorous exercise. Exercise at lunchtime or in the afternoon is probably best.
7. If all else fails you could try the diphenhydramine (sold as Nytol in the UK). You're not supposed to take this long-term as you can become tolerant to it. You should probably talk to your doctor about this.

Getting a good night's sleep is so important to our mental well-being, so good luck with beating this annoying problem. On the plus side - I'd much rather be waking early than wanting to spend the whole day in bed!

08-04-10, 14:27
Your post is great! I am in the earlky stages of my SSRI and your SE's at beginning I have, lovely to know ir will pass. When you say diphenhydramine, do you mean Nytol? I have just got some as dont want to keep taking my Zolpidem x :)

08-04-10, 22:06
It is nice to hear a positive story, I am 12 days into taking Citalopram and I am still struggling with side effects of, Dizziness and excessive tiredness but I am trying to keep going! Well done you!

11-04-10, 01:14
I've been on citalopram for 5/6 weeks now, and I have noticed a big improvement!Feeling motivated for the first time in years! Its actually quite a shock. Didn't realise how bad I was. Crazy to think I'm in early stages of treatment. Feel more detached, which has made such a difference to my usual quick temper and feeling sick with worry all the time. The relationship with my partner and daughter has changed, which is brilliant. I can't wait for things to get even better.

15-04-10, 12:07
I am new to the forums..just started Citalopram today..20mg daily..reading alot of horror stories, and a bit nervous now, but considering the long term possiblity of being back to my normal self will be worth it. My doc was great, and as some of my symptoms could be down to hormones, he has ordered blood tests too. He warned me of the possible side affects to start, and I am well prepared for them I think. He did say no such thing as a "happy pill", and I would have to try some other lifestyle changes too. I am irritable, moody, and in general a horrid bitch, everything annoys me, and am willing to try anything!! As my husband suffers from chronic pain, it is down to me to care for him and our 5 year old son..and its not fair to them to have a monster for a mom and wife..I look forward to the blood test results, to see where my hormones stand..I am 46 so the "change" is a real possiblity. May end up a combo of this drug and HRT, and just trying to find down time for myself will be the answer..at any rate, I will give it all a try!!

15-04-10, 13:23

Good luck with the citalopram, can be a really effective drug. Glad your GP warned you of the side effects as they often cause problems when initially taking cit but will wear off and will be worth it in the end.

Let us know how you get on.


15-04-10, 14:10
Fantastic positive post. I've been taking Citalopram for 5 month+ and am feeling so much better. Started on 20mg been on 40mg for nearly 2 months and, as I say, feel so much like my old self. Very positive and only occasionally have a minor blip, but nothing I can't deal with.

It is so good to read positive outcomes after the horrible side effects, but if you persevere you will get there.

Good luck and all the best to you all.

Jannie x x

15-04-10, 14:21
Jannie - did you notice a big improvement going up to 40mg?

15-04-10, 16:31
Hi jtnicky

I am on the hrt/citalopram combo! They work just fine together. I am a year on citalopram this month and truly things will get better! The people around you will probably notice the improvement before you do.

This is a great forum and will really help you through the blips.

Best of luck


15-04-10, 17:17
Hi jtnicky

I am on the hrt/citalopram combo! They work just fine together. I am a year on citalopram this month and truly things will get better! The people around you will probably notice the improvement before you do.

This is a great forum and will really help you through the blips.

Best of luck


now - honestly - do you think hrt would help me ?
you can be frank !

15-04-10, 17:33
Just wanted to say Citalopram is working for me too.

I have now been taking it for 1 month. The first couple of weeks were really hard. After the med's had settled it has lifted me up and I know feel more myself.

Dont recommend drinking with them tho, I had a couple of pints one night and it felt like it had cancelled it out for a couple of days, felt really low again. So I wont touch alcohol again until am off the meds.

Just been on my first counselling session today, so hopefully I wont be on citalopram long term.


07-06-10, 14:43
Yea, same for me... was doing OK till I had a few drinks sat night, now very low. I think a glass is ok here and there but anymore and it does something funny...