View Full Version : losing friends

01-03-10, 22:49
Hi everyone

I am a bit sad as in the last month 2 of my close friends have turned there back on me. I have been put on citalopram 10 mg for depression. I was off med for 2 years. But started going downhill depression,moodswings etc. The citalopram has made me feel better lifted me up and I was lucky didn't have many side effects.
My 2 friends I fell out with before I went on med last month I went out drinking with them drank way too much ended arguing with my husband and pushing my friend over I don't remember doing it. I was really scared as I blacked out and have never done that before. I don't drink often but when I do go out I binge drink not good. I apologised the next day to everyone and it was fine. But now my 2 friends don't want to know me. I have been there for them lots of times 1 of them is on med herself.
It has upset me also my nan who I am very close to won't talk to me anymore she said that she has had enough of my drama and that I'm not right in the head.and told me not to phone anymore. This has hurt me deeply who can I trust now??

01-03-10, 23:20
Hi that is a sad story for me the sayng " real friends walk in when everyone else walks out" is very true. Look arond you and see who is still supporting you and put your time and effort in to them rather than those who have turned thier back on you.
You will also find loads of good friends on here

best wishes

Marc x

01-03-10, 23:50
Hi Ruth

I'm so sad for you as I know exactly how you feel. Been there myself and not too long ago.

Problem is that we are mixed up emotionally anyway and we love our friends very much... we struggle through each day and then if someone who we consider our friends decide that they want to walk away it makes us feel that we were right in the first place and that we are no good.

I tend to say things when I am very low and maybe I expected my friends to understand that I was really hurting...I chose however to go the route that real friends would be there no matter what no one needs fair weather friends... they become acquaintances... Marc is right ... you will find that there are friends out there who will be there for you..even if you have gone through this rough patch ...it doesn't mean it can't be resolved... it did in my case because I give 100% which means I feel let down 100% but that is part of my issue... it doesn't have to be like this for you.. I'd try to find out or recall exactly what happened ...you may not recollect something ...but either way girlie...chin up... there are genuine people out there for you and hey if everyone was perfect there would be no need for NMP... we are sensitive creatures and we need to be treated as such ...hugs sent x

02-03-10, 01:37
Hi I am sorry to hear that you have lost 2 of your close friends. I also think it is terrible that your nan has turned her back on you. Its just a pity that some people don't take the trouble to understand what you are going through and just take the easy way out. Anyway I hope you find new friends that you can count on.:hugs:

02-03-10, 09:37

Thanks for your kind words. I have a few close freinds who have been ringing me every day. They are the ones that matter and my family who are always there.

I am quite sensitive but shouldnt let other people affect me I suppose its part of the illness. Today I feel positive and happy the sun is shining which helps!

I really feel the citalopram is helping glad I started taking it.

Take care :)

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”

03-03-10, 14:04
Hi Ruth,

I feel your pain, I've had "friends" there that I told when I was diagnosed that were all about me saying they understood etc. Since then, they've walked. They simply don't know how to deal with it, and I find it's because I've always been the strong one for them, my role has been their supporter and never the other way around. People don't like changes like that, and do turn their back.

I'm trying hard not to be angry over it, or take it personally. Trying to see it as their weakness and I'm better off without drains on my life like them, while I try to recover myself.

I'm concentrating on the friends that have been there for me, through thick and thin, the days when my temper has flared, the moodiness, the tears and putting up with general shite from me until I was diagnosed and now they are genuinely more understanding. Some have even read up on my illness to learn more. They are the ones worth caring about, and the ones that I'll put the effort into in future.

Marc was right when he said when everyone else walks out, real friends walk in.

Not sure that helps you, but you're not alone. I know how it feels.

Take care