View Full Version : eye anxiety

02-03-10, 00:01

at the moment, sometimes my eye's will feel strained and tense and i have a little bit of like bloodshot on one of my eyes and i dont know why. i'm freaking out i have a brain tumour again? any reassurance or advice?

please reply
love louise

02-03-10, 13:08
Your anxiety is causing you to think this way, your symptoms are the symptoms of anxiety not a brain tumour.

If you are really concerned it is a brain tumour however, then book an appointment with your GP. Once you have that in the diary, make sure you do everything possible to make yourself relax, and to make yourself happy. Whether that means a glass of wine, lot's of chocolate, a walk in the sunshine or all three. Say to yourself ' I've booked an appointment so until that time I'm going to try and make myself feel better'.

02-03-10, 13:24
Thought i would just add alittle something onto this. I kept getting really bad pains behind my eyes, the light was affecting my eyes, they were blotshot and sore. My friend at this point told me her mother had just had an eye test and they discovered her retina was detaching and needed surgery but sadly lost her eyesight in that eye - however this just made me 100% sure that this is what i had, although none of my symptoms were the same.
However i booked a eye test and everything was fine just needed a tiny improvement on my current lenses.
So dont panic that is only going to make your eyes more blotshot, take some time out from computer screens, tv and reading run a nice warm bath get into bed and either listening to music with a cooling eye mask or even cuecumber slices and gives your eyes a break :) x