View Full Version : please help with the symptoms

02-03-10, 00:45
hiya every1 im new here and just looking for some reassurance really with anxiety symptoms just wandering does/has any1 experienced any of these:
chest pains anywere in chest
shaking inside/out
burning sensations on chest,shoulders,arms,legs
day dream alot
pinching feeling on arms
jaw ache and grinding teeth
not sleeping much
pale all the time
weight loss
aching arms/legs
i have been having these everyday for 6 months somedays are better then others.my g.p give me bloodtests for thyroid diabetes and a few other things all came back normal i also had an ecg scan an that was fine.i just really cant except that anxiety can cause all of these symptoms as i even get them when im not anxious!!!!please if somebody could help me i would be extremely grateful thanks:)

02-03-10, 01:00

Try not to worry too much, the results back from doctor are good ... have you suffered from anxiety before?

I suffer and many of the items listed are symptoms that I have, thing is that stress and anxiety can do things with the body that makes you feel there must be something really bad happening.

Are you on any medication and have you spoken to your doctor about it x

02-03-10, 04:59
hi hun my name is jessica ,and i have everything you just wrote.'
i have them same feelings everyday for the pasted 4 months ,cant seen to shake
it.. ive been to doc and thay say that its anx ..ive learned the more u think about it the worse it will be for u .try hard to do something to get ur mind off of it..hope u feel better soon tc

02-03-10, 13:46
hello thanx very much for your posts its really good to know that there is people with the same symptoms they really scare the hell out of me im only 20 and have a 3 yr old little girl aswell.i have never ever had anxiety before i have alwyas been a bit of a worrier tho take after my mum :) it just started off as the odd panic attack perhaps 1 every few months but then 6months ago on a sunday i had a massive 1 like nothing id ever felt before and i felt like this ever since the doctor tried me on dosulepin first i didnt like the side effects made me feel proper strange so i went back he put me on citalopram they made me feel ill in the day so he said to try them a night i did and they kept me up all night so i went back friday just gone and hes put me on mitrazapine but i havent took them yet i get scared with tablets and especially with the reaction i had to the others.ive bin on propranolol since the normal panic attacks started about 18months ago an they tend to help i never get the banging heart and they do take the edge off the shaking feeling.are any of you on medication??:hugs:

andrea thompson
02-03-10, 14:20
hiya hon
everything you have listed can be caused by anxiety... its awful isnt it??? my advice would be try to accept that this is panic and it will pass! keep telling yourself this... if i am at home and i get the shakes and all that i do something boring like tidy my little boys room ( he is three aswell). i just think right i am going to do this and then after a little i begin to think about other things instead of panic. or try to think of something really nice... i always try to think about what i am gonna do for sonnys birthday or what shall i get him for xmas and how much do i need to save.. these things distract me and cheer me up enough to take the edge off the panic.... i find a hot bath helps me to relax aswell especially on a night when the little fella goes to bed... helps me sleep... i hope these tips help you!!!!

take care

andrea x x (oh and this illness wont last for ever... its a difficult patch that will pass.. with the right meds and relaxation you will get over this)... private message me anytime if i can help...

10-03-10, 18:19
hi am new to this as well am feeling anxious just typing this i have been fighting this for 10 years i get the same symptoms 24/7 then out the blue they will go then i think some thing wrong cause i dont feel them and as sure as god back they come but its good to read the things on here as i dont feel am on:hugs: my own

10-03-10, 19:21
that is one of health anxiety's mantras - "i feel it even when I'm not anxious". Anxiety can be soooo deceptive, its all about our thoughts and how they turn to the immediate negative. We don't even realize it, the most innocuous thing will set it off that we don't even recognize it and then the physical symptoms will start, and then our brains catch that and we focus on that and it just grows worse and worse. Trust me, as impossible as it may seem, it is simply anxiety.

11-03-10, 15:21
the last week or so i've been having different symptoms again like my chest keeps goin warm and i keep feeling my heart beat in my throat that is really scaring me its as soon as 1 symptom goes away there's another 1 to focus on :mad:

11-03-10, 15:57
mine went from funny heart beats (skipping a beat), really hot face but my hands were cold!! now ive become really aware of my tongue and how it feels in my mouth and my throat feels like it closing!!!
its definately like things keep changing just to keep you on your toes, just as you think well ive started to cope with that symptom then before you know it a new ones come along, its so frustrating!
you should go to the dr's and get your blood pressure checked though just to be on the safe side and check thats its not a side effect from any meds (if youre on any)

11-03-10, 16:10
also wanted to say im a mum of 3 little girls and i too have said ive not got the time or the extra energy for this anx thing!!!
sorry youve had such a bad time with meds, ive just started citalopram (im on day 4 now) and i do feel very tired and sicky and lost my appatite (although im over weight so it might not be a bad thing!!) but today i do feel less on edge and im hoping the other side effects will get better!!
take care xx

11-03-10, 16:43
i think we all have to try and remember that it is a thoughts bluffing us,, they try to break us,, but keep strong, your in control, you say wot your feeling like, dont let your thoughts create your feelings that create your moods which then create your behaviour and do the full circle,, break the circle, not easy i know it take pratice and you will have set backs but that part of it. xx

20-03-10, 11:15
sarahdd >> everthing u jus wrote like uve become aware of things alot more .same here .im 17 and live with my parents and every since november 09 i dont want to be on my own....because i feel like my throat is closing i constantly keep a drink with me..and how u was saying your face was burning same here .ive lost like 2 stone .with it .thankfully i feel much better now .but i am still worried something awful is going to happin ..im used to anxiety as ive suffrerd since i was 13 but this was far the worst ever ..

08-04-10, 13:05
hi i am new to this i lost my mum 1 year ago she died in my arms of heart failure after seeing that i suffer panic and worry that will happend to me feeling of i cant breath and i cant sleep a night with the flash backs of what happend x

sarah jayne
08-04-10, 13:19
I have had every one of those symptoms over the past 2 years. I hate suffering from anxiety. I always have at least one of the symptoms, i cant remember the last time i didnt...x